I'm currently thumbnailing (is that even a word?) images of my senshi. I'm also getting the rest of my senshi designs completed so that people can finally see the whole team, if they're even interested. 8D
I started putting Sailor Garuda on Bristol, but I don't know if I like it. I kind of wanted to redo my first image of her, but not have it be the same. (WOW, that thing is OLD!) Since I originally imagined Garuda as being something of a messenger in that picture, I wanted to keep the "herald" movement. Does that make sense? >.> Like she's saying, "Hark!"("Hark" can also be used as a sound effect when someone is coughing up phlegm. *HarkharkHARKHACK*)
I took inspiration from the Archangel Gabriel in Annunciation paintings, but I don't think this pose has the punch I want. I wanted movement and maybe flying/flowing. But if I did that, she would go past the Bristol's borders and I don't want to draw her smaller since I want to color these and be able to get into the tiny details of the senshi outfits. D:
Do-over maybe? I shall see. But I want to get Archy, Seraphim, Dunamis, Heaven, Fenrir, Ascelpius, Principatus, Borges and others sketched in their own images soon.
Next up is my WIP of Lara Jean Chorostecki as Freddie Lounds. I thought about doing this in colored pencils, but figured that I need to get used to "regular" portraits before doing something so ambitious. I still want to use colored pencils for Freddie, because of those delicious red ringlets. So, next time!
Haven't done much on her yet, but I'm determined to get her skin done soon so that I can continue that hair! *drool*
And here's a picture of Foxy with her new big bone. With me bugging her. She's not happy about the latter. She's a grumpy old fart. :P