Enkai's Sailor Haumea- I love this senshi. She has Hawaii's mythology, history, and customs incorporated into her background without being stereotypical (no grass skirts or leis here!).

Setsu's Sailor Dis- She's supposed to have a lot of hair, but the scan doesn't show it well. >.> I like the pose. It's awkward, but it's a start. :3

Pysi's Sailor Banshee- I wasn't liking this when I started, but once she had some character features, it became one of my faves. :)

Enigma's Sailor Metal- Oh yeah, baby! That is all.
My Sailors Dunamis and Principatus- I couldn't draw all these senshi without adding mine. :P I don't use them much (maybe someday), but I enjoy revisiting them from time to time.