Sunday, June 26, 2011

I am Now a Whovian

I haven't been able to do much art-wise. However, as I'm doing "important" things, I am also having a marathon-watching of the Doctor Who reboot. It's campy as fuck, but I love it! I'm gonna miss Tennant after S4's end rolls around, but I'm quite fond of Smith anyway. I am quite fascinated by 11's facial structure (and his Doc personality), and no, that's NOT weird. :P

Thanks a lot, Dubie. (Sincerely and sarcastically) I really didn't need another show to get into. I'll look into the Classic era and spin-offs and OMGIAMNEVERGONNAGETSHITDONE.

Let's see. Funny vid?
Eh, have some Brad Jones (his character as Cinema Snob is awesome).Second one-Popper's Penguins(very adult language)

Art will come soon!


  1. I think I'm going to take up watching Doctor Who sometime, too. My library has the DVDs and since you and another one of my friends are big fans, I know I'll have someone to talk to about it. XD

    I agree, I like Smith's facial structure, too. I like faces I can pick out of a crowd. ^^

    I'm afraid to sit on the seats at the movie theater now, thanks. D: And it sucks that the movie sucks, since I like Jim Carrey and penguins. :(

  2. Gotta say, I also love 11 for his interesting physical composition. He's a really interesting mix of classic masculinity and boyish awkwardness.

    Of all the spin-offs, though, Torchwood is hands-down my favourite. In fact, I liked it better than Who for a long time. It seems a bit...darker, more grown-up? There's a new season (!!!) coming out IN AMERICA in just a few weeks. Bad news, it's only on Starz, which I don't get. :P

  3. Derrot: If you do start watching it, that would be awesome. :D It's very campy, like I mentioned. To me, it's like a cross between Sliders, X-Files, Power Rangers, and Space Cases (the latter two because of the odd-looking creatures). Except it's British. Very British. But at least you can understand the people; I've watched some Brit shows where their dialects are so hard to understand.

    You may like it or not. Did you watch the three Weeping Angel eps I mentioned? If you enjoyed those, you might get into it.

    Good, at least I'm not an oddball. 8D (So are you!)
    I actually can't wait to see his first appearance later in the series.

    Bah, just don't go to the midnight showings since that's when the oddball and "trailer trash" come out for a quick bang on the seats. If you catch a time during a school field trip day, you should be fine. :D

    "Physical composition," I like that. It made me giggle. >.> His Doc personality is what eventually won me over. He's so caring, but will cut a bitch. (Or just screech at people)

    I have Torchwood on my list, along with the Sarah Jane Adventures. (Children of Earth piqued my interest when I saw previews of it years ago, but was disappointed to learn it was part of an ongoing series which I had never seen. Guess I can see it now. :D)
    It's interesting that Doctor Who is "for kids," but here in America, it's considered PG-13 material. And not just for the violence and weird stuff, but for its open-mindedness on bi/homosexuality. That gets higher ratings than violence here (because people are idiots).
    Speaking of which, have you seen Sassy Gay Doctor?
    Just random, funny junk.

    *hinthint* Maybe you can watch it on BBC's site or...>.> <.< Download it? *is shot*

  4. Welcome to the club <3 My fave is 9, but Smithy is just awesome too <3 (I like 10 but he's lower on my list 8D) Smith's face is really interesting to look at. I find it "attractive" in a sense. Maybe it's because he has unusual features? XD

    You might enjoy the Classics too >_> I've started to watch one episode from each, thought I should finish the 2nd Doctor's XD So far appearance-wise, I like the 3rd one 8D And the 8th one is pretty cool. The TV movie is a hit-and-miss among the fanbase but I like it. :)

    Also, Cinema Snob :D

  5. And what a club it is!
    I love 9, adore Tennant (really do; I would go "straight" for him), but I've claimed "Smithy" *snerk* as MY Doctor. He's the awkward guy who has no sense of personal space, and seems to have no problem showing his "liking" for the lads like Rory. XD Watch out, River! That family affair could become complicated. *snugs him*

    I have the Classics on my To-Download/Rent/GetHoldOf list, after I make it through the reboot. I'm wondering: Are the Doctor and Master always so...well, close in the Classics? (if you've seen them interact) Time Lords seem to not mind encroaching on personal boundaries, but those two...yeah. I've seen clips of Simms!Master, and wow. 8D I think those two were married at some point. Bicker bicker bicker tease.

    BTW, I saw that you reblogged Gaga Oods! YAY! 8D

    Speaking of Cinema Snob, did you see the Suburban Knights vid? It's amusing.

  6. The Gaga Oods, yessss 8D I thought that was just awesome! And I hope you have had fun with my constant spamming on Tumblr XD

    Suburban Knights is turning out to be a lot better than I expected. I can't wait to see the rest of the vids later this week.

    Did the first episodes you see were with 11, then? People in the fanbase say their fave Doctor is the one who they started with :) Which I've seen to be true! (and going 'straight' for Tennant *guffaw* XD He has that power)

    I've seen them interact in a couple of YouTube videos. It's definitely different than in the reboot and from what I've read, pparently the relationship was waaaaay different between the Master and the Doctor in the Classics. Some people say that Russell T Davies actually tried to make them seem "more than just rivals" on purpose. I saw the vid where he commented on it but I don't remember which video or from where I saw it x__x; I think part of it was because since they're the last of their kind...Fangirls love it, half of Whovians don't because it somehow feels "forced." In the Classics, their relationship was more like a respect for someone opposite; the Doctor respects the Master despite him being evil, because he's hugely intelligent and cunning. The same goes for the Doctor from the Master. They never demonstrated the same type of feelings or actions as they did in the reboot.

  7. Well, you certainly keep popping up on my Bloglovin. :P Some things I'm not able to understand, but others make me lol.

    I'm watching SK Part 3 later tonight. Some jokes are obviously forced but they still are hilarious. Hurry and watch so that I won't spoil anything for ya. 8D

    My first DW ep was "Blink," so (10)nant probably should be considered my "first" doc. But since he wasn't in it much, I wasn't able to get a feel for his character. I immediately watched the other Weeping Angels stories, and 11 had more screentime, so I became fond of him. I guess the first doc theory is true. >.> I'll miss 10 (hey, even I can admit he's a looker) very much, but I can't wait for Smithy's entrance.

    Ah, okie dokie. I thought the closeness shown by characters in the Classics wasn't meant to be fabulously!GAY, but was just a mixture of British norms and Time Lord culture. (But even some Companions were a little grabby with the Doc.)
    Is the Davies comment something like: "He didn't kill the Doctor because he loves him really." (?) And then (10)nant went on to say they're practically soulmates due to being the last of their kind.
    Ah well, I was just wondering. XD Their relationship in the reboot does seem to be charged with something, with all the innuendo and teasing. I find it funny really. (If they keep it up, I might end up shipping them for the lulz) There are some amusing things with them: (I apologize in advance) (kind of what I was thinking during the phone convo) :B

    Saw the ending of S3 last night. Depressing! I think someone needs a hug.

  8. The only one of those shows I've watched is Power Rangers (both the Japanese and American incarnations. XDD) But it does pique my interest. And I usually don't have any trouble understanding English dialects, unless they use a lot of slang. Perhaps it has something to do with being raised on the sitcoms of BBC America and PBS? (Long before my nerdy friends showed me the wonders of Monty Python, I watched Are You Being Served? and Keeping up Appearances. That also probably has to do with why I had a scandalous sense of humor for an American grade school child. XDDD)

    Yup, I watched all three. ^^

    I know I probably won't go to a midnight showing, because I don't like to be out that late (I already spend most of my free time inside, and nighttime is my "me time.") But... what if there is still... juices... left on the seats? Not so much them having sex that bothers me (though why they'd risk getting arrested makes me doubt their intelligence) but the sanitary concerns. Go to the park and do it behind a bush or something if your domicile is that uncomfortable/you live with your folks, sheesh. >_<

  9. Hey, I've been watching the DW reboot too! I'd seen bits of some seasons and the entirety of others over the past few years, so when season six went on break I decided to watch them all. "Campy" is certainly a good word for it. Look forward to the season finale of season five (if you haven't seen it already). It's by far my favorite finale.

    Also, thanks for linking to those reviews on the Cinema Snob site. Their midnight reviews have been keeping me amused for hours. (Especially that Mr. Popper's Penguins one. Holy shit.)
