Two quickies for today, more of that PMMM/DW crossover. Sort of. Kinda. They're more "polished" than what I usually post because there's actual SHADING. *shock*
Still need to work on perspective (Homura's arm is pretty tiny. 8D) And I've already failed on those panels. The laser screwdriver is in her right hand, then suddenly in her left. Oopsies. That device is detailed like whoa, by the way.
She's pretty "developed" in body but other than that, I do like her. :3
As for Mister Master and his handling of Homu's Soul Gem: (Shame on him for touching it!)
I could NOT get his face right, so it's blank. But I did look up Simm pics to study his facial structure and drew a quick sketch. Hopefully it won't be too difficult next time to draw him now that I kind of know his features. (His cheeks are puffier than I had remembered and his mouth is tiny when not smiling. Hmm, interesting. Yep.)
Strangely, "Drumming" by Florence + the Machine came on while drawing him. Hardy har har. How appropriate.
Side note: Mami has intruded into the story now. She has already died in the PMMM universe but is somehow traveling with the 10th Doctor. LOLWUT? She even has a scar around her neck to remind her of her decapitation, because I'm a bitch like that. And of course she butts heads with (10)nant because she uses primarily guns, BIG guns, and he despises them. Fun fun.
Pics of her and the 10th team (and 11th for that matter) will come at some point. :3 I already know how she and Homura will meet too.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
A Puella Magi Collides With a TARDIS
I am combining PMMM and DW. I am sooooooooooooo original.
Meh, an idea struck me, is all. :P And knowing how I am full of ideas but can't quite seem to produce, this will most likely stay an idea perpetually. Plus, it may screw around with both series in ways that are completely out-of-bounds. (Even though it's AU, it still messes things up)
Doodily doo.
Homura has once again set back her sand timer in hopes of saving Madoka, but while traveling through the wormhole, she slams into a certain blue box. Quite literally, in fact. (She probably looks like a bug on a windshield) The impact dazes her and having her time powers collide with the box's forces her out of the wormhole and into a void. Her elevated status as a Puella Magi gives her some protection from having her body crushed into nothing and/or poofed out of existence but she's living on borrowed time. Her sand timer is broken, part of it probably still flying through the wormhole, and she believes she is lost.
She encounters different disembodied consciousnesses (wow, big word) in the void, but one in particular is drawn to her. No name is given, but it offers to help her find her way back home and says that some trace of her powers/"thumbprint" was left on the blue box (now known to her as a TARDIS). She can follow this trace like a fishing line, but will need an extra boost of power to leave the void. She is of course suspicious by nature and doesn't like the vague mention of a "power boost"; how would it occur? The "voice" explains that it has its own way of manipulating time and space and they could combine their powers. Homura hesitantly agrees, only to feel something pushing into her mind and feeling her Soul Gem react violently to the intrusion. She immediately thinks she has been tricked by an Incubator like Kyubey and refuses to let the process go on any farther. However, the consciousness cannot be forced out completely and instead "sits" inside her, able to communicate with her; it's not exactly thrilled about the premature cut-off, but still gives her the energy she needs to be free in the form of a strange device. (*coughscrewdrivercough*) How such a thing appeared in the void, I dunno yet. Heh.
And if you haven't guessed just who this consciousness is, I bet you will when told it's another Time Lord. 8D
Yeah, anyway.
Homura uses her power trace and the Time Lord's energy (still thinking it's an Incubator) to hone in on the TARDIS. She finds that it has already landed, and is disappointed to see that her timer is nowhere in sight. She seems to be on Earth, but she feels out of place, and believes she is in the wrong timeline or even the wrong universe. When the TARDIS opens, she instinctively goes for a weapon and finding none, points the screwdriver at the door, feeling like an idiot while doing so. She's met with a gun in her face as two women and a man step out (okay, I might as well just say the obvious: River, Amy and the 11th Doctor. River's holding the gun :P).
And so goes Homura's first encounter with a flesh-and-blood Time Lord. The Doctor does eventually come to trust HER somewhat(she may have utilized a Fez and bananas to convince him), but he won't allow her near the TARDIS's heart since he senses something not quite right with her, especially because she gives off time energy. If she touches the the heart, something big and bad could happen (and it might cause Walpurgisnacht, and then things could really get screwy-for the record, I'm going with the theory that Walpurgisnacht is Homura's Witch form). And there's the problem that she has a certain familiar screwdriver, so the Doc wants to know how she came across the damn thing.
Stuff happens, and it comes up that in order for Homura to return to her world/universe, the gang may need to go back to the time of the Stolen Earth when the parallel worlds were colliding and find a way to drop her off there. (or find some other way) There are potential problems, one being that the Doc could meet up with his 10th self, and 10 may be bitter about his soon-to-be (for him anyway) regeneration. Hard feelings won't help matters.
Throughout everything, Homura is plagued by the Master inside her mind (surprise surprise. Okay, not really). She is still convinced that he is an Incubator in disguise since Incubators are, to her, the bane of existence, and imagines him with Kyubey-like features. She's able to see him in reflective surfaces sometimes and it's an odd sight seeing a dude with long, rabbit-like ears(since her interpretation of his looks partially influences the reality). And rings; can't forget the rings. She has to fight for control over her body, and this leads to frequent bickering between the two. He isn't too keen on possessing her completely because she's female, too emotional (look who's talking), and short. Yeah, he's tired of being short this time around.
And then there's the overall mystery as to how he escaped the time lock on the Last Great Time War, if he was stuck in it at all. Yup yup.
If you got through all of that, congrats! Thanks for reading my incoherent ramble. It's just something I had to get out, despite it being convoluted, which seems to be something I excel at. ._.;
Now I won't be able to watch DW without seeing the Master with a Kyubey hat. >.>
Random, rushed crap from the idea (I'm already doing better ones.)

What I've been watching lately:
Oancitizen-He's new to TGWTG, but he's been around the 'net for awhile. I like him.
Meh, an idea struck me, is all. :P And knowing how I am full of ideas but can't quite seem to produce, this will most likely stay an idea perpetually. Plus, it may screw around with both series in ways that are completely out-of-bounds. (Even though it's AU, it still messes things up)
Doodily doo.
Homura has once again set back her sand timer in hopes of saving Madoka, but while traveling through the wormhole, she slams into a certain blue box. Quite literally, in fact. (She probably looks like a bug on a windshield) The impact dazes her and having her time powers collide with the box's forces her out of the wormhole and into a void. Her elevated status as a Puella Magi gives her some protection from having her body crushed into nothing and/or poofed out of existence but she's living on borrowed time. Her sand timer is broken, part of it probably still flying through the wormhole, and she believes she is lost.
She encounters different disembodied consciousnesses (wow, big word) in the void, but one in particular is drawn to her. No name is given, but it offers to help her find her way back home and says that some trace of her powers/"thumbprint" was left on the blue box (now known to her as a TARDIS). She can follow this trace like a fishing line, but will need an extra boost of power to leave the void. She is of course suspicious by nature and doesn't like the vague mention of a "power boost"; how would it occur? The "voice" explains that it has its own way of manipulating time and space and they could combine their powers. Homura hesitantly agrees, only to feel something pushing into her mind and feeling her Soul Gem react violently to the intrusion. She immediately thinks she has been tricked by an Incubator like Kyubey and refuses to let the process go on any farther. However, the consciousness cannot be forced out completely and instead "sits" inside her, able to communicate with her; it's not exactly thrilled about the premature cut-off, but still gives her the energy she needs to be free in the form of a strange device. (*coughscrewdrivercough*) How such a thing appeared in the void, I dunno yet. Heh.
And if you haven't guessed just who this consciousness is, I bet you will when told it's another Time Lord. 8D
Yeah, anyway.
Homura uses her power trace and the Time Lord's energy (still thinking it's an Incubator) to hone in on the TARDIS. She finds that it has already landed, and is disappointed to see that her timer is nowhere in sight. She seems to be on Earth, but she feels out of place, and believes she is in the wrong timeline or even the wrong universe. When the TARDIS opens, she instinctively goes for a weapon and finding none, points the screwdriver at the door, feeling like an idiot while doing so. She's met with a gun in her face as two women and a man step out (okay, I might as well just say the obvious: River, Amy and the 11th Doctor. River's holding the gun :P).
And so goes Homura's first encounter with a flesh-and-blood Time Lord. The Doctor does eventually come to trust HER somewhat(she may have utilized a Fez and bananas to convince him), but he won't allow her near the TARDIS's heart since he senses something not quite right with her, especially because she gives off time energy. If she touches the the heart, something big and bad could happen (and it might cause Walpurgisnacht, and then things could really get screwy-for the record, I'm going with the theory that Walpurgisnacht is Homura's Witch form). And there's the problem that she has a certain familiar screwdriver, so the Doc wants to know how she came across the damn thing.
Stuff happens, and it comes up that in order for Homura to return to her world/universe, the gang may need to go back to the time of the Stolen Earth when the parallel worlds were colliding and find a way to drop her off there. (or find some other way) There are potential problems, one being that the Doc could meet up with his 10th self, and 10 may be bitter about his soon-to-be (for him anyway) regeneration. Hard feelings won't help matters.
Throughout everything, Homura is plagued by the Master inside her mind (surprise surprise. Okay, not really). She is still convinced that he is an Incubator in disguise since Incubators are, to her, the bane of existence, and imagines him with Kyubey-like features. She's able to see him in reflective surfaces sometimes and it's an odd sight seeing a dude with long, rabbit-like ears(since her interpretation of his looks partially influences the reality). And rings; can't forget the rings. She has to fight for control over her body, and this leads to frequent bickering between the two. He isn't too keen on possessing her completely because she's female, too emotional (look who's talking), and short. Yeah, he's tired of being short this time around.
And then there's the overall mystery as to how he escaped the time lock on the Last Great Time War, if he was stuck in it at all. Yup yup.
If you got through all of that, congrats! Thanks for reading my incoherent ramble. It's just something I had to get out, despite it being convoluted, which seems to be something I excel at. ._.;
Now I won't be able to watch DW without seeing the Master with a Kyubey hat. >.>
Random, rushed crap from the idea (I'm already doing better ones.)

What I've been watching lately:
Oancitizen-He's new to TGWTG, but he's been around the 'net for awhile. I like him.
doctor who,
video list,
Monday, July 11, 2011
Yes. Yes, I Am.
Ever since Friday, I've been fiddling around with a friend's neighbor's computer. It has a bunch of junk on it (programs, adware, spyware, the occasional virus), and it's also old. So it takes FOREVER to do anything. But I think it's moving faster now. (Being hopeful here) I basically spent a good chunk of the weekend at this person's house, until yesterday I decided to bring it home since she and her kids were leaving town this week. So I guess that's good, since I can clean mine up too as I mess with theirs. But I haven't been able to do much else besides.
Yeah. Anyway!
Here's a stupid DW thing I doodled before my class meeting. Please don't kill me, peeps. XD I prefer an asexual Doctor like Smithy (and we need more asexual characters on TV, or anywhere really). I don't like seeing these two sex each other up, but I still like the pairing due to the funny things that can happen. (Innuendos and all)
Note: I do have to wonder about the Doc's asexuality after seeing a certain scene in "The End of Time." I think Tennant had a weird wardrobe malfunction, or he just REALLY enjoyed getting strapped down and smacked around like a dirty boy. Some of you may remember what I'm referring to. I couldn't stop laughing.
Music stuff:
Two of my current loves-
Friday, July 8, 2011
Almost a Month, Oh Dear
(Of not posting anything)
I've mainly done scribbles lately, and I mean literal scribbles (or stuff that just came out funky), so I've had nothing worthy of posting. I haven't been slacking TOO much. 8D My summer class ends this month too, so I've been busy with that, and there's a big project in the end and GAH. I can't wait for next summer, because I should be free of university by that time. *fingers cross*
I want to do NaNoWriMo, or at least attempt. I'm talking to a friend about doing a collab for it and having her badgering me to work will keep me on my toes. We have ideas, creating a new world, and are working on possible plots now. Anyone else going for 50,000 words this year (or I guess in our case: 100,000. Eesh.)?
I need to take a break from Doctor Who, I swear. I'm starting to read things with a British accent, and I just can't have that; my mind voice sounds weird enough already. Just finished S4, and I have the specials left from (10)nant's run, of which there are *counts* seven.(?) I just know I'm gonna cry when he leaves *pinches his cheeks*, but I have Smithy to look forward to. (Side note: I liked Donna. I could relate to her more than the other Companions. Yup.)
To Derrot: If you see this, I'll be diving into that note tomorrow. (Is it another essay?) Haven't been able to check all messages yet, and I always need a snack when I read yours. 8D *poke*
I'm going to try to sketch for a little while (1:30 in the morning! *hoots like an owl*). Hopefully something decent comes out of it.
Love y'all!
I've mainly done scribbles lately, and I mean literal scribbles (or stuff that just came out funky), so I've had nothing worthy of posting. I haven't been slacking TOO much. 8D My summer class ends this month too, so I've been busy with that, and there's a big project in the end and GAH. I can't wait for next summer, because I should be free of university by that time. *fingers cross*
I want to do NaNoWriMo, or at least attempt. I'm talking to a friend about doing a collab for it and having her badgering me to work will keep me on my toes. We have ideas, creating a new world, and are working on possible plots now. Anyone else going for 50,000 words this year (or I guess in our case: 100,000. Eesh.)?
I need to take a break from Doctor Who, I swear. I'm starting to read things with a British accent, and I just can't have that; my mind voice sounds weird enough already. Just finished S4, and I have the specials left from (10)nant's run, of which there are *counts* seven.(?) I just know I'm gonna cry when he leaves *pinches his cheeks*, but I have Smithy to look forward to. (Side note: I liked Donna. I could relate to her more than the other Companions. Yup.)
To Derrot: If you see this, I'll be diving into that note tomorrow. (Is it another essay?) Haven't been able to check all messages yet, and I always need a snack when I read yours. 8D *poke*
I'm going to try to sketch for a little while (1:30 in the morning! *hoots like an owl*). Hopefully something decent comes out of it.
Love y'all!
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