Meh, an idea struck me, is all. :P And knowing how I am full of ideas but can't quite seem to produce, this will most likely stay an idea perpetually. Plus, it may screw around with both series in ways that are completely out-of-bounds. (Even though it's AU, it still messes things up)
Doodily doo.
Homura has once again set back her sand timer in hopes of saving Madoka, but while traveling through the wormhole, she slams into a certain blue box. Quite literally, in fact. (She probably looks like a bug on a windshield) The impact dazes her and having her time powers collide with the box's forces her out of the wormhole and into a void. Her elevated status as a Puella Magi gives her some protection from having her body crushed into nothing and/or poofed out of existence but she's living on borrowed time. Her sand timer is broken, part of it probably still flying through the wormhole, and she believes she is lost.
She encounters different disembodied consciousnesses (wow, big word) in the void, but one in particular is drawn to her. No name is given, but it offers to help her find her way back home and says that some trace of her powers/"thumbprint" was left on the blue box (now known to her as a TARDIS). She can follow this trace like a fishing line, but will need an extra boost of power to leave the void. She is of course suspicious by nature and doesn't like the vague mention of a "power boost"; how would it occur? The "voice" explains that it has its own way of manipulating time and space and they could combine their powers. Homura hesitantly agrees, only to feel something pushing into her mind and feeling her Soul Gem react violently to the intrusion. She immediately thinks she has been tricked by an Incubator like Kyubey and refuses to let the process go on any farther. However, the consciousness cannot be forced out completely and instead "sits" inside her, able to communicate with her; it's not exactly thrilled about the premature cut-off, but still gives her the energy she needs to be free in the form of a strange device. (*coughscrewdrivercough*) How such a thing appeared in the void, I dunno yet. Heh.
And if you haven't guessed just who this consciousness is, I bet you will when told it's another Time Lord. 8D
Yeah, anyway.
Homura uses her power trace and the Time Lord's energy (still thinking it's an Incubator) to hone in on the TARDIS. She finds that it has already landed, and is disappointed to see that her timer is nowhere in sight. She seems to be on Earth, but she feels out of place, and believes she is in the wrong timeline or even the wrong universe. When the TARDIS opens, she instinctively goes for a weapon and finding none, points the screwdriver at the door, feeling like an idiot while doing so. She's met with a gun in her face as two women and a man step out (okay, I might as well just say the obvious: River, Amy and the 11th Doctor. River's holding the gun :P).
And so goes Homura's first encounter with a flesh-and-blood Time Lord. The Doctor does eventually come to trust HER somewhat(she may have utilized a Fez and bananas to convince him), but he won't allow her near the TARDIS's heart since he senses something not quite right with her, especially because she gives off time energy. If she touches the the heart, something big and bad could happen (and it might cause Walpurgisnacht, and then things could really get screwy-for the record, I'm going with the theory that Walpurgisnacht is Homura's Witch form). And there's the problem that she has a certain familiar screwdriver, so the Doc wants to know how she came across the damn thing.
Stuff happens, and it comes up that in order for Homura to return to her world/universe, the gang may need to go back to the time of the Stolen Earth when the parallel worlds were colliding and find a way to drop her off there. (or find some other way) There are potential problems, one being that the Doc could meet up with his 10th self, and 10 may be bitter about his soon-to-be (for him anyway) regeneration. Hard feelings won't help matters.
Throughout everything, Homura is plagued by the Master inside her mind (surprise surprise. Okay, not really). She is still convinced that he is an Incubator in disguise since Incubators are, to her, the bane of existence, and imagines him with Kyubey-like features. She's able to see him in reflective surfaces sometimes and it's an odd sight seeing a dude with long, rabbit-like ears(since her interpretation of his looks partially influences the reality). And rings; can't forget the rings. She has to fight for control over her body, and this leads to frequent bickering between the two. He isn't too keen on possessing her completely because she's female, too emotional (look who's talking), and short. Yeah, he's tired of being short this time around.
And then there's the overall mystery as to how he escaped the time lock on the Last Great Time War, if he was stuck in it at all. Yup yup.
If you got through all of that, congrats! Thanks for reading my incoherent ramble. It's just something I had to get out, despite it being convoluted, which seems to be something I excel at. ._.;
Now I won't be able to watch DW without seeing the Master with a Kyubey hat. >.>
Random, rushed crap from the idea (I'm already doing better ones.)

What I've been watching lately:
Oancitizen-He's new to TGWTG, but he's been around the 'net for awhile. I like him.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Kyubey!Master! *dies laughing* Awesome!
ReplyDeleteI like how you drew Homura :3 This is a very cool story "script."
You know, it was never said what would Homura's Witch form be, but considering the different time versions and the lil info on Walpurgisnacht...it could very well be. O:
Well, don't die. *poke* I think this whole thing started when I thought: "He would be less threatening if you threw a funny hat on him." (WTF I dunno what I meant) Then it became Kyubey ears. Then...this (and poor thing has to hide them with his hood; doesn't work, of course.)
ReplyDeleteI think Walpurgisnacht is a running joke with the creators. I believe that THEY believe it's Homura, but they just won't say anything in order to keep us talking about it. It's semi-canon. (Even though they could come out with a spin-off which makes everything the complete opposite). All of the clues are there, and they're just teasing us. Evil!
Hah, that was really well thought out. It would make a pretty good ficlet I think. I to write it but don't go big? Stay small!
ReplyDeleteIt's staying as more of a general idea which I'll draw little comics/write little fics for when the mood strikes. It won't get big, I'm sure. >.>
ReplyDeleteI like the idea of her having that underlying evil nemesis inside her... it will be interesting watching her internal struggles. And The Master with Kyubei ears sounds hilarious. And looks hilarious. XDDDDD
ReplyDeleteI guess now he's going to have little man syndrome. *giggle*
I like how you drew The Doctor. He looks so sweet and absent-minded... how could the Tenth harbor resentment against that?! D:
And the theory about Homura's witch form is interesting. But wasn't she there during Walpurgisnacht? *scratches head and tries to remember* Or is it because she messed with time so much?
I'm watching the pilot episode of Brows Held High. It's kind of funny, probably a bit too similar to TGWTG so he seems like a knock-off a bit. It's hard to get into his reviews since I'm not familiar with what he's reviewing. It's a lot easier when I've watched the original movies or shows, but I'm not an arthouse movie type of person. (Or a movie person in general. XD)
D'aw, he's not that evil, just annoying. 8D I'm the evil one for giving him those ears. I'm a horrible person. :P Shame shame.
ReplyDeleteI made him short mainly because he's smaller than other people he's worked with. But, I could be off because the other actors tend to be overly tall anyway (and not just Tennant). He could be average; I need to find out. Plus, he hunches over as Master and that makes him seem shorter.
/ramble, but yes, he may develop an insecurity about height.
Ah, once you get to 10's end, you'll see why he might dislike 11. (10's final words have made some people flip their shit. Too bad I wasn't a fan when it happened) You might already know about it, but I won't say anything so as not to spoil anything.
There are several theories about Walpurgisnacht and Homura. The Witch has characteristics of Homura (the gears/wheels, her color scheme, etc.), so people think the two are connected.
I'm just running with the idea. :3
Oancitizen is on TGWTG now. :) He's more similar to Cinema Snob, but instead does art films rather than exploitations and acts pretentious like the people who exclusively watch art films. I recommend Alice, Naked Lunch and Trash Humpers first to get a better feel for him. http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/teamt/oancitizen/ I like his calm tone compared to Doug's ranting and raving. XD
You did what you had to do. :3
ReplyDeleteI Google'd it and apparently he's 5'9" ... average. :) (A lot of guys say they are around 6 feet, but I'm pretty sure they are lying because those guys usually vary in height. So SOME of them must be less than six feet. XDD)
I spoiled myself to see what a regeneration looks like back when you introduced me to Doctor Who, but I went back to know exactly what words you meant, and that is sad. D: But 11 is cool, too, so I'm not necessarily complaining... >_> At least he didn't die! If he died he wouldn't be able to meet his future self and get mad! ^^ *happy way of looking at it while dodging the implications of Doc vs. Doc even though that would make a badass finale*
Ah! Yeah, that is suspicious! Poor Homura. D:
Thanks for the suggestions! I'll watch those later when I catch up on other things... I kinda like Doug looking like he's going to explode, though. I can imagine he's constipated. 8D
Everyone needs Kyubey ears anyway. Do they sell those types of hats? (I might come across as a furry though, so maybe I shouldn't look for them)
ReplyDeleteDamn! He's two inches taller than me?! *feels short* I could still take him in a throw-down though. Now I need to look up Homura's. *looks* Nope, just heights for those collectible figures (I WANT THEM). Ah well, I'll figure something out.
Ah, okay. Yeah, the "I don't want to go" didn't go over too well with some. Strangely, I didn't get affected by it when I saw it, but when I watched the DW Confidential/behind the scenes ep, I kind of bawled. ^^;
Did you see Smithy's "I'm a GIRL!" comment after the regeneration? 8D
Well, SOME form of 10 can die, but you'll have to see S4 to find out why. :P
They could meet in canon. Fans are hoping 10 will make an appearance for the show's anniversary in 2013. (If the world is still around, that is)
Poor Homura, but YAYFUN for me. :D
Doug needs to take some meds. :P Maybe he'll stop looking constipated.
If they haven't made them already, I wouldn't be surprised if they will in the future. And I'm sure people do customs (I actually know a friend that would probably do it as a commission. ^^) And nah, you wouldn't come across as a furry unless you wanted an entire costume. XD
ReplyDeleteIf you feel short, how do you think I feel? D: And I looked up Homura for you on Japanese sites and came across 148cm (4'10"), but it was from a message board, so it might not be accurate. Especially since the Japanese Wikipedia had Madoka's height but none of the other Puella Magi's. But don't worry, the PMMM Archive will be coming out soon in Japan and it has over 400 pages of information. Possibly Homura's height! ^^
And I want those figurines, too. But I'd have to make room on my shelves. D:
Haha, that part was funny... he should put a bow in that hair. It would be precious. 8D
Gah, suspense! D:
What about 9? And some of the other Doctors that are still alive? That would be pretty awesome. I've heard about a special called "The Five Doctors" so maybe it could be like that. ^^
Noooooo, I want him to look constipated! D:
Maybe I can rip some towels and make some Kyubey ears that way. >.> *thinking too hard about this* But I'd have to wear them in private, like a dirty, dirty secret. So ashamed!
ReplyDeleteWell, she is certainly short if those numbers are right. But I guess compared to us big ol' Americans, Japanese gals are quite petite. (Eh, I'm keeping him short anyway, just to mess with him. I'll just use the excuse that since he's drawing energy from Homu, he has to stay her size until he can walk freely. Yep, pulling story specifics outta my ass here!)
Where is this PMMM archive?! O_O But I can't read the language, so, um, damn. But maybe the pics will be nice?
I'd probably get the figures anyway, even if they have to stay in the box for awhile. So gorgeous not to have them.
Why don't you edit a pic of him with a bow, you weirdo? :P
I'll just say that we call him 10.2 (still vague enough, I think). If 10 comes back, it'll probably be through him. (Even though I wouldn't mind seeing a scuffle between 10 and 11)
Eccleston has no interest in coming back in any form, so I doubt 9 will appear. If he showed up, I would seriously be shocked. No more 9 screentime. ):
(I wonder if The Five Doctors had the "probe" line. It wasn't dirty, but the way it was said was pretty lulzy. *looks* Yeah, that's the one!)
I'm sure he appreciates you saying he looks constipated. :P
But if you did that, you would look like a closet-furry! Wearing animal/alien-ears is nothing to be ashamed about. If you dress up like the real thing and start hitting on the local strays, then you probably have something to worry about. XD (But Kyubey's ears really do look like towels... I'll never look at it the same way again. o__o )
ReplyDeleteShe is an 8th grader, so she still has time to grow. ^^ (That's what my mom told me when I was 14 and I'm still the same size, though...)
I don't know whether you want to shell out over 70 dollars anyway. It's a collector's set. It comes out later in September:
CDJapan or Yesasia might carry it later (I couldn't find any preorder links.) But I'm sure the information will leak a couple days before it is "officially" released anyway, so if you don't buy it, you'll at least be able to find out official stats and such.
I also have to come up with a way for paying for them. I think I'll just wait until I have a job/people are actually buying comics and prints from me/I'm commissioned for at least minimum wage. XD
Or draw a picture of him in a hairbow. That takes less time for me than photo manipulations, for some reason. o___o
Awwww, why wouldn't he want to have a reunion? It would only be for an episode or two. D: "Probe" line? O:
Actually, I'm sure he doesn't, which means he can make more angry and constipated faces, yessss~ :D