Last two of the (first) Goddess Series! Soon I can do the other six goddesses on pastel paper, and each will be twice the size of my Chinese element creatures. Yay? ._.;
Mictecacihuatl (Meek-tay-kah-see-wahtl)
Queen of Mictlan, the underworld. She watched over the bones of the dead and presided over festivals for the dead.
That's pretty much it really. There wasn't much info to be found on her. So why did I pick her for the first half of this series? Well, she was born then sacrificed as an infant. I think that counts as getting screwed over and being forced into a job. She's usually portrayed with a "defleshed" body with jaw agape to swallow the stars during the day.
I've seen other artists' interpretations and some show her as a beautiful woman with many flowers decorating her hair and body, and she has face paint. This is fine, but I wanted to stick closer to the myth.
What's interesting about her is that she is considered to be "alive" still in the form of Santa Muerte, and she participates in the modern Mexican Day of the Dead. Hence why I drew the decorated skulls and the saint, and lots of flower offerings. (With burning baby head at the top, hrm). Santa Muerte isn't recognized by the Catholic Church since death is seen as a state of being rather than a "person." She also has the reputation of being the patron of the poor, criminals, prostitutes and other undesirables. But her following seems to be growing in number.
Random note: Turns out I have a small sculpture of the saint. I picked it up during a time I was looking for a statue of Grimmy. But I do believe it to be Santa Muerte; I just didn't realize till recently. Interesting. >.> SHE FOUND MEH!
The image isn't very "Aztec-ish", sorry. ):
Last one:
In short, Indian goddess of death, time, change and destruction, wife of Lord Shiva and consumer of all reality. She also has a maternal aspect which westerners tend to ignore, so she is misunderstood and is seen as demonic. (Indiana Jones: Temple of Doom, etc.)
Sadly, her main story is basically about her going crazy and needing to be stopped by a male. Some say this is a symbol of man trying to control woman's autonomy and sexuality. ): So, she's free, yet not. *snug*
I was originally going to make her look "normal," or a form in which I usually visualize her. But I decided to go for the scary/disturbing look to fit with the rest of the series. Her garland looks like the Egg-Pokemon (Eggsecute?). >.> They're traditionally skulls, but I wanted to make them look like screaming heads. Heh.
I like the hands though. :3 (Note: They're the hands which make up Kali's skirt; she has an arm skirt. Yup.)
Screaming little stick-people too. *snerk*
Other inks:
I decided to add the black since these look so flat without it, despite the detail.
Least worked on, but I'm getting there. Still need to fix Balder. And I gave Garm cat eyes, which I didn't realize until after inking. AGH!
Can't decide if I should add the black background. Also don't know what to do for the border here.
Must do border. >.> So many bubbles.
I do like how these have turned out overall. I'm getting used to ink pens, so maybe I can play with them (pens) more in the future with new techniques.
Final inks will go to dA. :3
Wow, do you have many death related objects in your room? XD Sadly, the only thing creepy about my room would be all the plushie eyes staring. >_>
ReplyDeleteEven though the Aztec goddess isn't really Aztec-y, she does look really pretty! You're right, since she does still have a modern following, it's probably best to use her modern Mexican imagery. This is like the opposite of some of the others, where the woman are supposed to look slightly sexual or pretty, but something is off. With this, Santa Muerte is someone that probably should look initially creepy, but she actually looks very calming!
That hand skirt is awesome. o_____o And is she eating one of the skulls? Juicy~ I can't look at the skulls anymore without thinking of Pokemon, thanks. XD Poor Exeggcute. ;_;
I like the detail that was brought out by the inks (like Izanami's rotting face!) These look like they could be covers for horror comics based on these stories. I say that in a good way!
Maybe Izanami's border could be cracks?
And you got to fill in black on Hel, no fair. I'm jealous now because on my series, filling in black would have looked "amateurish" because "professionals" that sell millions of books of their art a year don't do that... *sarcasm*
I really had to "awwwww" at Sedna, though. All those little sea creatures look so cute, like they are frolicking! I especially like the fluffy little guy by her hip... what is he supposed to be? XD
Um, I have another bigger Reaper and different death god statues. And some macabre books. It's mainly full of plushies, books, various collections and MLP, so it's not too creepy.
DeleteHee, thanks. (And I don't think it would've been appropriate to have something sexual with a "baby" in the same image. 8D ) Good that she isn't scary. She's smiling, so why would that be scary? Wait... *smiles like a psycho* I didn't think she or Kali were going to turn out well when I began, but they're my faves with Izanami.
WHEE! I'm glad the hand skirt is "awesome." It was fun! (Hands are fun? That's a first) *rolls around* Hmm, it's meant to be some sort of head, but skull works too. It's too vague anyway. >.> Ah, Exeggcute! (And I remember their evolution was a walking tree)
And how could I take that in a bad way? It made me squee. It makes me want to do short ink horror comics about these goddesses. >.> Another class series? STOP THAT!
I like the crack idea (heh heh). I can quickly add those. 8D
Uh oh. I completely forgot about the black-out="unprofessional." I added those areas when not in class so she hasn't seen it yet. I may get chewed out tomorrow. ;_; I'll stop now and see what she says before doing anymore (I added black around Hel's ribs too to show that it's an empty cage). At least I have six this time to show that I'm not slackin.' :P Glad you said something. >.> *le weep* DAMMIT.
They're meant to be cute. I thought it would add to the "wrongness" since she's dead 'n all. Or something like that.
The fluffy thing is meant to be a baby Harp Seal (because they're ADBORBS), but I screwed up. So he looks like an angry old man instead. XD
Bedtime. >.> Nooooooooooo! (Have to get up early though)
Ah, so our rooms are actually pretty similar then! 8D
DeleteYeah, that's what I meant, a head. Because a skull wouldn't be juicy at all. It would actually break her teef. D: And... EXEGGUTOR. 8D (Maybe that's where the head came from. XD)
I just know how some people get touchy about their stuff being compared to other stuff, so I didn't want you to get mad that I was comparing it to comic book art. ;_; But I'm glad you actually like the idea and maybe I'll get to see the fruit of it someday? 8D And wee, I'm glad a border of cracks will work for you!
Well, your space wasn't as big as the space I intended to black out, so maybe she won't be as upset. And since she didn't tell you not to do it, hopefully she'll just say "don't do that next time" and you can do it again once you graduate. 8D
Awwwww, I love baby Harp Seals! (I slept with a plushie of one last night actually!) He still looks cute, and I totally don't see the old man. XD
She has some pretty strong teeth, so she could probably crush a skull like a wild animal. >.>
DeleteNow I have a mental image of Kali chasing a Pokemon. Thanks a lot.
I don't mind having my work compared to someone else's, as long as it's not done in a disgusted way like, "You draw THAT crap?" or "You draw like one of THOSE people." I used to hate it, when I was younger and stupid.
I find it interesting now to hear what people are reminded of when they look at my stuff. (It gives me new things to discover/learn about, so it's all good). Louise has compared my figures to different people; I don't seem to have a set "style" at the moment.
I'm rambling, but hopefully that comic will be born at some point. I can envision some of it already.
She actually didn't mind the black, believe it or not. She said she liked how it pushed the background back in Persephone's and asked if I planned to add more to the others (sparingly).
Does that make you mad? ^^; I know you two butted heads about BLACK. D:
I miss my seal plushie. Might be in a box somewhere. ): *sniffles*
Well, he just looks angry in the image to me. 8D (For the record, Sedna was Louise's favorite, which is kind of cool.)
Yeah, I think it's frustrating when we're young because we think we are being accused of unoriginality. Or of stealing designs. When an artist is just getting started, they don't want a bad first impression. D:
DeleteI hope your comic will be born soon, too... just two more months until you possibly have more free time!
What?! D:< Well, then it must have been the amount of black I was going to use, because it was pretty much being used as a background...
I'm glad she didn't hassle you about it and liked it, because that's less stress for you and a sign she trusts you. ^^
Oh no! Maybe you can find it when you do some Spring Cleaning? Poor plushie in a box. ;_;
Oh man I'm sorry I suck at checking your blog ;____; You've been very active though, so that's good C:
ReplyDeleteI've never heard of Santa Muerte, though that's not to be expected. We're pretty morbid sometimes but the Mexicans have us beat by miles XD;; I'm eager to see it finished though -- I think that might be the best one (imo) of all these, even though your Persephone pic looks really trippy ♥ O: And comes in a close tie.
Also, maybe the Izanami pic would pop out more with black as BG. Right now it looks so empty ;o; What ink pens are you using?
I don't mind. You popped in anyway, so it's all good. :3
DeleteThose creepy Mexicans, eh? (Kidding! >.> *dodges bricks*) I'm working on all of them, but I'm doing seven more and drawing those at the same time, so everything's slow.
It's interesting to know who is everyone's favorite. Mine's Izanami, yours Mictecacihuatl, and the professor's is Sedna. Wonder what that says about the individual viewers. *ponders*
I am adding black to Izanami. It would have been done already, but I just ran out of time. 8D (Hopefully I don't run out of ink.)
Oh, I'm using Micron. I need to find some finer points too. >.>