Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Time For More Junk!

How was your Easter? Mumzy won the cake contest again (remember that rabbit cake from last year?).
(It's one of her customers, but I've never met the lady, so I'll just take her word for it. >.>)

Here's my antisocial self (INKING!) :

 Here's that funny goose from the school paper:

(This is what we have to deal with everyday.)

WIP of the first Encounters piece (on large black pastel paper)

Two newer nude paintings:

(Some of my nerdy stuff is peeking out at you)

Completed Hel

Redone Ereshkigal

Newer goddesses:

Leinth (Etruscan)- guards the gate to the underworld. Is faceless.
Kishimo-jin (Buddhist Japanese; Izanami is Shinto)- was once a demonness who killed children, until the Buddha kidnapped one of hers. She then learned of the pain she caused mothers, and became a protector of children.

Marzanna (Polish/Czech)- Goddess of death, winter, and nightmares. She is still burned or drowned symbolically in doll form today to signal spring. She would sometimes lure men and they would disappear or go nuts.
Can you tell what's going on here? 8D (Lots of scribbling. And snowflakes!) The burning dress was inspired by a scene from The Hunger Games.
Those people on the bottom layer are supposed to be having nightmares, I suppose.

Ixtab (Yucatan Mayan)- goddess of suicides, sacrificial victims, women who died in childbirth, etc. Her only known image is of a hanged woman. Suicide was seen as an honorable way to die so the souls would live with Ixtab under the Yaxche tree (World Tree). The cross reminded them of the World Tree so I tried to make this look almost like a crucifixion. >.>

Eingana (Australian Aboriginal)- creator goddess who gave birth to all living things. (She doesn't have a vagina, and she's really a full snake, but I took some liberties). She holds onto the cord/sinew attached to everything and if she lets go, that living thing will die. If she dies, all die.
Each scale was shaded individually. 8D

Pele (Hawaiian)- Not really a death goddess, but she's a very temperamental volcano goddess. And that can kill stuff, so-yeah. She has a white dog who warns people of an eruption. Legend has it that Pele, as an old woman, and her dog actually can be encountered by visitors and tourists. (I wanna go!) She'll ask you for cigarettes. 8D Sometimes she is seen as young or even as the white dog.
I read some interesting "real life" stories from those who have seen her.
Another story claims that those who have taken rocks as souvenirs from her volcano have been cursed and the curse will only disappear when the rocks are mailed back to Hawaii as an apology.
I like drawing scared little people apparently. >.>

There are two more, but I haven't done much to them. So they'll be up next time. (?)
My "entertainment" (music/vids) will be put in a separate post since there are so many. 8D (Hey, it's been awhile since I made an official entry! :P So the list builds up.) But that's for later. Must continue inking.
The other completed goddesses (first 13, counting Hel and Ereshkigal) will go to my dA at some point.

1 comment:

  1. That person on the cake... looks like Johnny Bravo's mom. 8D Are the flamingos edible? Because the cake looks delicious. ;_;

    Isn't it uncomfortable inking like that? I have to be sitting down with a hard surface below me. D: I'd be afraid of slipping.

    That goose just looks like it wants a hug. XDD And their poop is a service... they are being very generous with their gifts. (I guess that's what a 'goose egg' is?) XD

    As a figure painting, the second figure has the best proportion and shading. But I find the aquarium background of the first hilarious. And I see Doctor Who and Hitchhikers stoof. 8D

    The Encounters piece is looking awesome! It has an almost x-ray, photo negative effect that is both eerie and cool. The folds and especially the teeth are just wow. But I don't know what the yellow parts are supposed to be. D:

    In the Hel picture, the black against the bones makes it look like something seared everything but bone away in those areas. They really stand out. And both Hel and Ereshkigal continue the engraving-like quality of the others, yay. The figure turned out even better in the Ereshkigal drawing (even more life) and somehow the griffon thing turned out even CUTER. SQUEE. 8D

    Since the rest are WIPs, I'll have to make mostly general comments. Like the hair is beautiful on these women. And the shapes of their bodies. The contorted figure of Kishimo-jin freaks me out, though. D: I can imagine her crawling toward me in the dark. *shudders* Marzanna's outfit is beautiful, and the snow adds to that beauty (oh gosh, I imagine it in watercolor and it sounds so pretty.)

    Ixtab looks like she's frolicking. Please don't get mad. I know she's being hung and it's a skeletal smile. ;_; I just have a dark humor. XD

    I love the animals in Eingana's drawing (predator and emu! <3 ) and the... liberties... you took look magical. I actually like that metaphor because it looks like she has a portal in her abdomen. (Not a fleshy hole.) And once again I admire your patience with the scales. Those details would drive me nuts since I'm a more overall impression sort of person and details are difficult for me.

    Pele is by far the most attractive of these goddesses, though... her face is sooooo beautiful. And all that floral and rocky detail is so awesome. That's kind of creepy about the curse, but about meeting her... that's cool. 8D But she'd probably curse me anyway because I'd nag her to stop smoking.

    Yay, more music and stuff! I have quite a build-up of stuff from my YouTube subscriptions and whatnot. I need to find more time to watch videos. Or I wish they had a second Watch Later folder... unless the current one doesn't have the 200 video cap. ;_;
