Sunday, October 14, 2012

10 Years?!

I just realized that my very first otaku senshi, Sailor Archangel (originally Sailor Angel), turns 10 this year.

This pic is over eight years old.


Just wow.

Yep, I'm definitely posting her development write-up first for my retrospectives. She's gone through quite a few changes.

Happy birthday, baby!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, it's coming soon!

    I wish I could remember more exact dates (and years) for the "birthdays" of my characters. XD

    You were pretty good over eight years ago! The colors are really smooth (is it digital? I don't think I've seen you use digital coloring, so maybe that's just really smooth colored pencils? o___o If so, I'm super jealous!) Even back then you were good at drawing detailed feathers. <3
