Wednesday, December 21, 2011

'Nother Quicky

I have stuff, but I've been lazy. 8D It's coming. I've been feeling "eh" lately, so that's why my energy is close to nil. I've been coloring, trying to finish a few of my old drawings. Sooooooo, yeah.

Sorry for neglecting people. ;_;

Have an odd video for now?

Friday, December 9, 2011


I have lived 1/4 of a century! D: When did that happen?

Monday, December 5, 2011

Quicky Update

I didn't realize that it's been awhile since I posted anything, so:

+ Mom's wrist and leg casts will hopefully come off tomorrow. Then I can stop being a chauffeur. 8D

+ I've been reading people's blog posts; I just haven't been saying anything (yet). This includes dA.

+This is the last week of the semester.

+Mom kept bugging me about birthday and Christmas gifts (even when I said to not worry about them/ignore the occasion/yada yada). Finally told her that she could search for DW.
Got the DW sets, but they turned out to be bootlegs (don't order from China, folks!). I feel bad for her. ^^; She got ripped off, even if they were a "deal" for five whole seasons/series(the misspellings are hilarious, casings are falling out and two series are in the wrong casings/boxes. I couldn't stop laughing when I saw the shoddy workmanship- take a look at them here and here). Waiting for money returns.
The Specials are still coming - hopefully they'll be okay. I would like to watch my homoerotic shows legally (sometimes), as God intended, thank you very much.

+I'll post stuff at some point. Maybe.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

DW S6 DVD Mini-eps

(I'll be responding to comments slowly since I'm taking care of my mom who fell yesterday evening. >.> Nothing broken, just sprains.)

The set went on sale yesterday, and these are already up on the web. People sure don't waste time, do they? I'm keeping copies for myself temporarily (I can has all series 1-6 now plz?) in case BBC tears them down.

Go here

Now that that's done with, I want to say: Please go away, River. I still like you somewhat (despite your fuck-up in S6's last ep), but let the Doc just be the Doc for awhile now, eh? He has been defined by his companions these past two years and the promise of a more episodic S7 is getting me excited, never mind the 50th anniversary. Moffat has said that we "know nothing about River," but hopefully, THAT won't come into play until later. If she turns out to be Susan's grandmother, that would be trippy and kind of funny. 8D

Friday, November 18, 2011

DW Skits and Preview

In case y'all didn't/can't see these:

The Christmas special may play on BBCAmerica. >.> I dunno. If you don't catch it, just say so, and I can get it for you and send it. <.< (Because I'm a bad person like that.)


A preview for one of the mini-eps on the S6 boxset:

Children in Need skit:

Xmas special trailer:

*runs off again*

Monday, November 14, 2011

Quick DW News

(Since I like getting the word out in case other peeps don't follow the feeds)

This Friday, a special mini-ep for Children in Need will air.
(I want to see the mini-eps which will be on the S6 Blu-Ray/DVD sets too. :3)
Fandom reaction :D

DW movie in the works!
Fandom reaction: *rageface*

And remember, the Christmas special airs this Dec 25th!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Random Babble Rabble

My last semester is this spring. D:

First of all, here's my promised quickie pic of Nicolina for Derrot. I've had it done for awhile now, but just haven't been taking pics of my stuff lately. >.> So it sat around for some time. ^^;

Here's Figgy Drawing stuff:
First four are all in Conte

Master copy of Seurat

We had to copy an artist's style; don't think I succeeded. >.> They're not done, so that's probably why. (My prof's like: "Y u not eva feenish?!", but nicer) I'm really slow.

Here's some experimental thing the prof had us do, which kind of baffled me. It's tracing paper with figures drawn and colored, pasted on good paper and colored over again. o.O Yeah, I dunno what I was doing.

Other figgies-
                                                     I'll be doing this one in colored pencil.

                                                                         Conte on board

Oil pastel-not done in the least. (But at least I'm paying attention to ALL of the colors in the skin, rather than just the peach tones)

I really like the class, since I've been trying different media (conte, soft pastel, oil pastel, colored pencil, etc.) I'm trying to get back into coloring a lot more, like I used to, with colored pencils. Currently, I'm working on skin tones in my sketchbook and using a simple tutorial to help (I have others but this has the least amount of pencils to use for now). 

My three Puellae Magi. I stopped since I think the idea I have would be better on bigger paper. They'll be bursting out of their Soul Gems (EGGS) with their elements flowing around them. If that made no sense, don't worry. XD

My Tennant (Cockerels crow whenever they please, thank you) and Simm(Mr. Cycle Shorts) portraits are coming out okay, I suppose.

Babbling (in list-form!)-

+ MMO Grinder/ChaosD1 takes the piss out of the show, Paranormal State. I HATE PS, so this amused me greatly.
He also plays MMORPGs and gives reviews on them. Believe me, it's more entertaining than it sounds. This one in particular is lulzy for the Engrish he encounters. I played lots of these games years ago, so I can relate to his frustrations. 8D Maple Story is also fantastic.

+I've been listening to the Blogtor Who commentaries, and I really like the hosts' banter. They're all close to an hour in length, so you may lose patience with it if you're not watching the ep at the same time or occupying yourself in some other way (which is what I do). Dalek in particular was awesome (I thought his explanation about why a single Dalek is even there and chained up is hilarious.)

+I've also been listening to DW audio books and audio dramas since I really can't read for “fun” these days, and I want to catch up on everything. Do you know how MANY stories are out there besides what's seen in the show? And that doesn't count the short stories and comics. ._.; The frustration of being a newbie. The ones I have heard thus far seem to be of the horror genre, which is odd considering how the show plays out before Moffat. I do like how the actors get into their roles. :3

+Last DW-related thing: I've seen the first two series of Sarah Jane Adventures. Despite some cringe-worthy moments (like the music that plays Every.Single.Time. Mr. Smith shows up), it is pretty entertaining. (It's a kids show, so of course it's cheesy). But there is one villain that gives me the creeps:

D: I think he would be more intimidating if he just didn't talk. His lines are so corny, and it kind of takes away from his sinister image (yet I still love the camp). But those EYES, or lack thereof. ;_; He just needs to shut up once in awhile.

+Game-wise: I've figured out how to play DOOM again, on Windows 7 :3 Now I can cut demons up with a chainsaw whenever I want! And I've recently acquired the Myst games; should be brain-twisting.

+Sherlock and Mad Dogs (with more “moonchkins,” I hope) return in early 2012. FWEE!
As for shows that are kind of “meh”: Grimm. I was very interested in this show, but it's three eps in, and I just can't give a damn. I did see a guy with a scythe in the preview for next week's, so I'll just see what that's about. >.> (Can't resist scythes)
-Music is also coming in the spring:
Kate Bush-Nov 21, 2011
Emilie Autumn-late '11-early '12?
Silver Sun Pickups- Spring '12
Epica-March 9, 2012
Now what about YOU, Miss Happy Rhodes?

+LGBT Laughs on Tumblr - Loving this blog.

+Soft owl plushie. Why? I dunno.

-Saw a lovely WolfDog today. It bumped my hand but walked off when it saw I had no food. ): How rude.

+Lastly, have a demon dog.

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Entertainment is Lined Up

I've heard Florence + the Machine's "Ceremonials" and it's fabulous! Now if only Happy Rhodes, Emilie Autumn and Kate Bush would release something new, I'll be a very happy bunny.


Ever since finding a British torrent site, I've discovered lots of awesome shows and movies that we Americans are missing out on. Other than the boatload of Tennant and Simm work (and DW-universe goodies), I've queued up intriguing things like The Fades, The Misfits, Merlin, Hidden, The Mighty Boosh, and numerous documentaries. (C'mon, Mad Dogs and Sherlock! I need y'all!)

For Americana, I'm keeping up with The Big Bang Theory, Community, The Walking Dead, The Office, Modern Family, and Glee (which I'll probably give up on soon). I've recently tried Suburgatory; dunno if I like it yet.
Still need to watch Adventure Time.

Anime: Le Chevalier D'Eon, and that's all. Heh.

So yeah, lots of stuff to keep me occupied while doing school work. >.> I don't have anything to post yet. Well, I do, but I haven't scanned/taken pictures. 8D That includes Nicolina, Derrot. :P
I want to do something for Miss Enkai and her Sailor Haumea.(Who totally deserved to win) Don't know what to draw/how to draw her though.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Weekly Update

Okay, first of all: "The Wedding of River Song." Or really, just the character River Song herself. Her "relationship" with the Doc bothers me. I must have been asleep throughout S5 and 6 because I just don't see the love between them. At first, I was intrigued and wanted to see their romance develop after watching "Flesh and Stone," but I don't think it did. Sure, they flirt, but it seems forced and something that two buddies would do just to goof off, so I can't really ship them. I don't recall the Doc being affectionate with River, and even acted like he was being mouth-raped when she kissed him in "Day of the Moon." He shows more love towards Amy, and even Rory, and I swear they are something of a threesome, because well, DAMN. Just watch them together. XD And then there was Craig. So, yeah.
 He seems bitchy towards River and even screams at her sometimes (like when they were dealing with the Weeping Angels), and when he met her in his tenth incarnation, he looked a bit bothered and creeped out by her. ("Silence in the Library"/"Forest of the Dead") So, where's the chemistry that people keep claiming they see?
River comes off more as a stalker who is obsessed with the Doc because that's all she knew when being brainwashed, and her attitude that she loves him more than anyone else is kind of a turn-off (but I do have to admit that Kingston was gorgeous during that scene. Alex is a fox anyway).
Also, did they really get married (especially since that timeline disappeared, and it was a robot Doc)? He seemed to marry her out of necessity rather than with any sort of loving feeling.
And that line that they share nights together creeped me out. XD I guess because I consider him somewhat asexual, but he's also so childlike. So, ew. D:
 (from Tumblr-I love who made this)
Someone else described River perfectly for me: "She was an independent woman who we find out is actually utterly dependent on the Doctor for every direction her life has gone. She also now seems to be someone who loves him only because she doesn't actually know any other way, which makes the relationship feel forced. They feel like they're going through the motions because that's what the script says they're supposed to be doing."
Yup. I still like her somewhat (she was awesome at the end of Closing Time-very emotional), but I'm not emotionally-invested in this relationship, since there's not much to go on. ._.; Marathon-viewing of S5/6 time maybe?
Maybe there's hope for them yet, but I think that after two seasons, it shouldn't feel this forced at this point in time.
Well, anyway! Here's to the Christmas special later this year. And Sherlock S2 early next year. And Mad Dogs S2 also. Can't wait. :3

Junky junk:

Graphite Nick-not done (and the camera angle makes things look off)

Two versions (flash/no flash) of Conte crayon dust figure-that was fun

Facial features from our anatomy book

Quickie of Homura and 11 chapter cover idea-not done, of course. XD

Quickie of Doctor/Master (with cockatoo and penguin plushies :3) I thought that I would be used to Simm's face by now, but he's a hard bastard to draw (and I take that as a challenge, dammit!) because he's so ordinary and I can't latch onto just one feature (other than his freakishly long neck). The nose should be shorter, and his face should be slanted inward more, but eh, it's okay. 8D Line!Dave came out alright, but he's too easy. (I hope I didn't just jinx myself by writing that)

Profiles alone:

I do love shading clothes.

And because I thought it was amusing: Flirting between Doc/Master and why you shouldn't perform a cockblock. 8D

And this was funny too.

Oh, and Nash is awesome.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


From yesterday's Figgy Drawing.

It's not done (of course), since I am SLOW. But it was fun. :3

Done with conte crayon.

The photo took some of the shading and color out. D:

Sunday, September 25, 2011


I haven't seen the new Who yet (shame shame); I'm watching the new SNL now instead. ^^; But for those of you who have seen it, here's a "prequel" to the finale, "The Wedding of River Song."

Other stuff:

We're working on individual body parts in Figgy 2 these next few weeks. Last week was the face/head. We did a portrait of the model in half an hour. Like a fool, I chose soft pastels, so I didn't finish since I'm slow. >.>
The coloring around the clavicle area is NOT the clavicle itself. I was making marks so that I could mold it into the chest later, but the prof stopped us before I could. If that were really his clavicle, then he'd be screaming in pain. (It would look broken) XD

And here are pics of that big lotus shrine thing. We can  redo the project and turn it in at the end of the semester, which is good since I have/had lots of plans for it. (Clay molded into flowers and statues, then painted, for one) So it's not perfect, but it did get a positive response. I'm going to use people's suggestions and probably redo it to make it more secure. I do love the painted cardboard. (to look like wood) :3

That floppy/lying-down petal didn't stay up. XD

From above:

From the side:

Close-up of the painted water:

Close-up of the fish (I'll be adding more of them along with water plant life):

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Heads Were Rolling

Another post the day after the last one? Can I keep this up? (Of course not!)

I'm currently doing homework in the school library. ._.; Fun fun. (Save me!)

Here's some junk from yesterday's Figgy Drawing class.

Quicky heads

Quicky from old movie still (forehead is too big)

Skull, with some added features. I named my skull "Harry." I dunno why, it just looked like a Harry to me. (Or an Uncle Frank. Anyone know the reference? If so, have a cookie!)

Portrait of Erin, our model for the day. Kind of looks like her, if she were glaring at something out of frame. XD

We may be doing self-portraits. Oh boy, oh boy. For the "other" portrait, I'm probably going to do Tennant or Smith, or both, since their faces are pretty unique and interesting. Let's show the class how nerdy I am! (It probably wouldn't surprise the prof though)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Junky Junk Junk

First of all, here is my favorite part from this Saturday's "The God Complex."

Gotta love the floppy dummy hand when it hits the cupboard.

Anyway,  here are some Figgy Drawing things:
Quick inks; hope we do these again. They were fun. :3

Body study. (LULZ, what are hands?)
That pastel nude. Didn't finish it, but the professor said the model might do the same pose so that I can finish it today. >.>

For 3D design:
I'm trying to build a Buddhist temple (and I use that term lightly), but making it more organic. It'll be on a 30x20 board of foamcore, which will be made to look like a lake with walkways on said lake (and those will look "leafy"). So it'll be kind of like a real lotus you find on the surface of water. I have the clay to build statues(but if I run out of time, I'll just temporarily plop my store-bought sculptures on it instead). And I'll also mold flowers out of clay and paint them (or just mold them and paint them at a later date). Greenery will be spread throughout to make the "wood" (I painted cardboard for that effect. Does it look okay?) more natural, like a garden.
Why do I always go for complex stuff? I don't have enough time for it, but I have heard that this certain professor allows students to add to and/or change projects if need be, as long as we show that we've made an effort.
The sketch(and I doubt the real thing will look this elegant):

The stuff:

Recognize that rug?

And here's a quick sketch (not done since I drew this from memory) of a chapter cover for the PMMM/DW crossover. I need to pick a name and stop calling it "The PMMM/DW CROSSOVER." Feel free to throw out ideas. :P
I'll do 11/Homura too.
The writing in the corner says: "Don't lose your cool!" But "cool" is crossed out with the word "head" under it. (yes, I'm poking fun at poor Mami. Sorry, Mami!)
The plushies sketch isn't done. Sorry, Derrot. ): (It's not like it's a masterpiece anyway. XD)
Speaking of whom, go to her blog and look at the lovely sketches from her WIP comic (and I WILL comment on them, Der. At some point. ._.;)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Convert(s) to the Church of Whovianism

 So, my father turned on DW ("The Girl Who Waited"), to see "what all the hoopla was about," as he put it. It seemed to catch his interest (even though the character relationships wouldn't mean jack shit to him since he doesn't know who these people are), and he was disappointed that the Best of the Monsters special shown afterward cut off. So I showed him "Blink," and he loved it. (That seems to be the Official Starter Episode) I'm going to show him the other Weeping Angel eps, along with a few others so that I can prove that there are wonderful gems among the campiness (because some eps are just plain awful, I'm sad to say). He wants to start from the beginning of NewWho though, so maybe he'll get into it? I mean, he liked Sliders and other campy stuff back in the day. Why not this British monstrosity? (And I mean that in the most affectionate way)
Mother also saw "Blink," but she's not into sci-fi, so that may be her only exposure to Who. She saw one of the "funny" campy ones not too long ago, and thought it was stupid as all hell, so... XD
Any ep suggestions from y'all, for starters/baby Whovians?

Anywaaaaaaaaaaay. I'm done babbling.

I have a pastel figure drawing to post, but I'm not finished cleaning it up. Maybe tomorrow. 8D

Today, I was feeling down because my Painting/Drawing Research prof shot down my series ideas. D: Now I have no bloody hell what to do. I kind of just want to do something ANGRY, still dealing with death, but still ANGRY and dark and BLACK. She loves abstract, and I hate it. People say to please professors since we only have them for a semester, and then do what we want afterward, but this class is supposed to help build up a body of work for Portfolio, and I am NOT doing fucking abstracts for that. I would rather grow a pair of testicles and shove rusty nails into them. I won't show something to the teacher/portfolio panel if I hate it. What would I say? EH?!

Er, moving on. After that little beat-down (did I mention that she made another girl cry? XD), I started doodling and did a tiny bit of something pertaining to my PMMM/DW crossover. Meh, it's just a sketch of a chapter page (Mami and 10, similar to the tiny panel I've posted before; still need to do Homura and 11) and some Master/Simm stuff.  (LOVE drawing his nose. Lovelovelove. *honks it*) Oh, and plushies make an appearance, just a tiny one.
I might post those tomorrow too. Yay?
(Foolishly, I picked up the wrong sketchbook and did these in the one for classes, especially for Figgy Drawing. I can't rip them out because I've tried that with another book of similar make and it screwed the binding. Wonder what the prof's reaction will be. Hopefully, I don't draw something dirty in it by accident, considering my bad luck. 8D Maybe I'll just fold those pages over)

And may I say that this lovely piece of PMMM art by Miss Jadine makes me happy in the pants? (And it has interesting info in the comments!)

Still on for Thurs. afternoon/night, Derrot? Since I am slow as Christmas with replying, maybe we can work everything into that convo? 8D Especially the idol video and Hellhoney character sketches, and whatever else. I hate keeping you waiting. D: School is going to sodomize me with a broom this semester, I just know it.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Series WIP 2

So I have the lines finished for the other five pieces. ._.; They're not perfect, but I am pressed for time. Plus, I have other class work to do. Eek! *runs around crazily*
Let's see:
(There are shadows and darkness because I didn't use the flash. All are 18x11 and 1/2)
Cat (guardians of the Underworld and the dead)

Crow(takes souls to the Underworld. There's also a little story about how Crow pecked at its shadow until the shadow devoured it, causing Crow to become Dead Crow and guardian of the supernatural)

Orca/Killer Whale (Associated with the goddess Sedna, who is ruler of the dead)

Snake(represents death and rebirth through the shedding of its skin)

Owl(Death and Wisdom, also considered an ill omen in some cultures)

Backgrounds are still giving me a headache.

And here's something from Wednesday's Figgy Drawing class:

Time for funny (at least to me). These were sent to me a couple of days ago; someone knows me well. :P They're basically several vids of DW characters doing STORIES TIEMZ on a kids show (same show too, I think).  They're cute and, if you take into account the roles the actors have played, amusing.
1. Freema Agyeman - because I think she's adorable.
2. John Barrowman- Well, it's John Barrowman. No need to say why it's cool. :P
3. David Tennant - I thought his holding the penguin plushie was adorable. And it's cuter because it reminded me of when Derrot and I had the idea of recreating scenes with plushies (shut up and don't judge, hardy har har), and I chose the Emporer Penguin to be the Master. *snerk* We just need a cockatoo to be the Doc and we're all set.
4. John Simm - Since Mister Master tends to use innuendo and fetish fuel, hearing this dude say, "Can you see my cat?" made me lose it. Mainly because he's sitting a little "too relaxed." Man, cross your legs! XD Your cat's trying to get out.
5. Christopher Eccleston- He tells a story about monkeys. Just look at him and see why this fits so well.
6. Philip Glenister- Okay, he's not from DW, but if you have seen the series "Life on Mars," you'll get why this is hilarious. I kept waiting to hear him scream, "TYLA!" or "This is a story about a boy named Tyler. Tyler was a major pain in my arse."

More DW stuff (since I'm not sick of it yet)-
Nash- He reviews Classic Who, and they're pretty entertaining. :3

Derrot, if you link to that crack vid here, I won't mind. *curious* :3

I'm hoping to get through my messages at the end of this week, since I believe I'll have a tiny breathing period. Lots of things are due this week! D: And I need to figure out what to do for the next series. AGH! I wanted to show the page sketches I did of the DW/PMMM comic, but I'm probably gonna trash them. 8D

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Series WIP

So, I'm doing a six-piece series for my Drawing/Painting Research class. I've chosen to do something relating to my Grim series. It's not an official part of it, but I wanted to stay small since I'm on a time limit.
I'm using this as an excuse to study animals and skeletons too. Each animal is a symbol of Death in some way: Horse, Owl, Crow, Snake, and I'm still debating the other two (I have a list to choose from). I was going to take some elements from Susan Seddon Boulet, but the professor wasn't too crazy about it (she said the art was too much like "illustration"). So the backgrounds are staying blank for now until I figure something out.
I was a bit miffed about her comments on Boulet, but I still can appreciate her blunt honesty. She told me that she knew I could draw since I had two certain professors for Drawing I/II and Figgy Drawing and she basically forced me to sketch/gesture quickly this morning. I do have to admit that without her poking me, I'd probably still be stuck on lines. ^^; So, yay?
I've only worked on the horse, and it's not done, but it's coming out okay.

And this is just something from Figgy Drawing 2 yesterday. Her shoulder's a bit broad, but I still like it. :3

Friday, August 26, 2011

One More Day!

Yup, very happy that Doctor Who returns tomorrow, and I'm watching it and a concert with Miss Derrot. DATE NIGHT! At least I hope I am going to be online. The hurricane may give us some storms and my connection will turn to shit. D: *crosses fingers*

I'm currently thinking about what to do for my Painting/Drawing Research class. I want to create death masks (based on those found around the world) and fill their surfaces with "murals"/designs with my experiences with the subject matter. BUT I don't know if we can sculpt/build something and draw on it or if it has to be a flat surface, and the teacher didn't give us her e-mail so that I can ask and I'M FREAKING OUT.

Anyway, DW-related:

"Exclusive World Premiere Doctor Who ‘Motion Comic’ to accompany Saturday’s premiere of “Let’s Kill Hitler” on BBC America.

“Doctor Who” executive producer and showrunner Steven Moffat, who, along with the episode’s director Richard Senior, would have loved to have included a chase sequence during tomorrow’s episode of Let’s Kill Hitler involving lead characters Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) and Rory (Arthur Darvill) but they didn’t have the budget to shoot the additional scenes.
Instead it will be produced as a motion comic and shown exclusively as a “bridging scene” in between commercials during the premiere of “Let’s Kill Hitler,” Saturday August 27 at 9/8c on BBC America."

If any Doctor Who fans haven't listened to Chameleon Circuit, I do recommend giving them a try. Some songs are a bit "eh," but there was still enough to hold my interest. My fave has to be "The Sound of Drums" (figures). Well, I think it's pretty. >.>

I found this to be amusing. Others probably have already seen it though (since I always enter fandoms late in the game, except PMMM). Tennant's face is priceless really, and he seems to be shocked that there are entire websites of Who Porn rather than the fact that it exists at all. <3
Both of his appearances on the show were cute. (2006 and 2008)

Other stuff:
MikeJ-"A British Person" His reenactments in Halloween 2007 are golden. :3

Because Allstate Mayhem is awesome! (all of them)

Stay safe, peeps!