Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Series WIP

So, I'm doing a six-piece series for my Drawing/Painting Research class. I've chosen to do something relating to my Grim series. It's not an official part of it, but I wanted to stay small since I'm on a time limit.
I'm using this as an excuse to study animals and skeletons too. Each animal is a symbol of Death in some way: Horse, Owl, Crow, Snake, and I'm still debating the other two (I have a list to choose from). I was going to take some elements from Susan Seddon Boulet, but the professor wasn't too crazy about it (she said the art was too much like "illustration"). So the backgrounds are staying blank for now until I figure something out.
I was a bit miffed about her comments on Boulet, but I still can appreciate her blunt honesty. She told me that she knew I could draw since I had two certain professors for Drawing I/II and Figgy Drawing and she basically forced me to sketch/gesture quickly this morning. I do have to admit that without her poking me, I'd probably still be stuck on lines. ^^; So, yay?
I've only worked on the horse, and it's not done, but it's coming out okay.

And this is just something from Figgy Drawing 2 yesterday. Her shoulder's a bit broad, but I still like it. :3


  1. Ooh, an owl in the future? I'm looking forward to that one especially!

    Yeah, you're going to bump heads sometimes (I was miffed when she wouldn't let me black-in a large area in one of my pen and inks.) I wonder if it was my work ethic that helped me in the long run when it came to my goofy drawings (because many would consider them a form of illustration, right?)

    But you're right, her honesty is a big help. She's not going to let you go off in the art world unprepared. :)

    For your background, just use something simple. Something gritty would do. And man, that horse looks spooked (due to the death theme, I imagine?)You're really good at drawing expressions (and muscles! O: ) on realistic animals! Just the hair and bones need a bit of refinement, but I say you made great progress for a day in class. Haha, she employed a mental whip on you. XD

    The shoulder only looks that way because of how her neck is positioned. I like the sharpness in the hard to draw places (the hands and nose), it balances out the smudgy fuzziness in her curves. ^^

  2. Wow, those came out really great Meshia. The movement and the expression of the horses are really quite something. I could see a death them in there for sure.

    Awesome works. <3
