Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Bunch 'o Scribbles

I should call this a scribble blog instead of a sketch blog, since that's all I seem to do these days. >.>

Lots of crap today!

Itty bitties- You can't figure out what these are; only I know. Mwahahaha! These are tiny "thumbs" for bigger pictures I want to do. (Mostly Angel Sanctuary and 12 Kingdoms stuff)

Pristiq- Nothing much, but it's a start.

Cherry/Hellhoney gal and Sophia/Sofya
For Derrot and Jadine. I'm doing bigger pictures, but these are just silly things. (Derpy Sop(fy)hias)

Hell Known as Eden- Idea for a much bigger picture of Alexiel from Angel Sanctuary in her prison, most likely tied to a pillar or wall by vines and wires.

Sailors Asclepius and Sun- Remember those V-Day pics I was drawing? This is just a preview. They're being worked on (really late), but life is "eh" at the moment.

Moroloth and Slayd- For Kristian over at Insect Kings.

Songstress! Kashoku- From A Twist in the Myth. Awkwaaaaaard. But still fun. Which form should I do next? *ponder*

I'll be checking dA later. Projects need to be done and I think a storm is brewing. D:


  1. Whoa, you've been productive lately! (I'm jealous.) I really need to do thumbnails more. Yay planning!

    I was looking at the page of Cherry and Sofya and I went "haha dawww" at the Gollum comment but when I scrolled down I nearly spit out my drink. I was not expecting that DERP sketch.

  2. As the hip kids say, "ROLFLMAO!" @ Soph/fya stuff XDDD Too awesome; am loving them!

    Yay for scribbles : D Be careful with tha storm Dx

  3. XDDDD You always know how to make your sketches humourous, huh? Well, Nicolina is a little monster, and she might very well have scoliosis. XD The derpy sketch is hilarious, lmao.

    I'm looking forward to seeing where Pristiq goes... and I want to chibi-fy her and make her extra sparkly! OwO~*

    The preview of the two Sailors is turning out beautiful... the anatomy is really good! I love how the one on the right has her legs positioned, it's very dainty. ^^

    And as for the rest... hot songstress, tentacle head WTF/FTW, and (since it's not a comment from me without a critique :P ) watch out for Alexiel's wrists in the final drawing.
