Friday, May 13, 2011

A Daily Dose of Vitamin OC (Long)

5/14- Just fixing a few things.

Note: Instead of embedding so many vids, I'll just list songs and other junk through links (unless there are only a few things I want to share. I don't want to crash any browsers).

 Whew, Blogger was down for awhile or I would have posted this yesterday. Lots of people had shitfits about the service being down too. o.O I just wrote everything in a document so that I could easily post then run when everything was back to normal. Some comments have temporarily disappeared due to the downtime; hopefully, they'll be back.


Quick sketches. They'll be done over (I hope, knowing how wishy-washy I am) but it's proof that I'm not ignoring those suggestions. :P

Grimmy and Hollow-suggested by Ayashi: Nothing much here. I tried out several poses and I think the top left one will be best as a full-sized pic. Hollow in all of these looks submissive, eh? Well, I figured that since he deals in death, he'd be a little respectful of a personification of death. My Grimmy is becoming an OC. Oh dear.

Speaking of Death-these amuse me:
Drivetime Commerical  (patting him on the head XD)

Violet for Luna- I wanted to draw that crazy hair of hers as shown here I also wanted an excuse to draw a classy character pigging out on chocolate, sinc eI'm bitch like that. Sorry, Luna. XD

Grace for Circle- I don't know how I came across this gal. I have three images of her and know nothing about her. (Care to enlighten me, Circle? :3 I'm curious about the dude too) I was intrigued by her expression; it seemed snobby, but I liked it. XD I like the hands here, but they're BIG. 

Jadine's Sofya/my Sophia- Not meant to be shoujo-ai.
Jadine and I joke about our two Demiurge stories competing with one another, considering how we both use Gnostic and Buddhist concepts and have a character based on the Pistis-Sophia (and other characters have similar names). Hers is more loosely based on the Gnostic mythology, while I take a more literal approach (idea-wise anyway. I doubt Sophia was meant to look like how I drew her.) That stuff on the left is a branch.

Derrot and Momoko- I know nothing about this Hello! Project, but Derrot loves it. I checked it out today, and DAMN. This “group” has a lot of people in it. I'm not into Japanese music mostly, but maybe I can find something I like within this vast...thing, ^^;
Momoko Tsugunaga is her idol/goddess, so I found a hairstyle and outfit that I liked of Momoko's. I dunno what happened. XD Japanese fashion is so odd sometimes. I added that ribbon/cloth to make it look as if she were floating like a deity.
Momoko is cute (the real one). I tried making her look Japanese. BAHAHAHA. Failed there, but I like the peaches that fly like helicopters. (I THINK she's associated with peaches. Hope so.)

Didn't paint today. D: I'll try tonight. Here's another pic of the WIP. I mainly added the ears, more shadows and muscles, smoothed stuff out, and the blue sky background. I've started on the clouds (and they're kind of difficult). Does that nose vein look too weird? I think I should add more suggestions of the veins since horse veins tend to be visible from the eyes to nostrils.

With Flash (more accurate representation of hardcopy)

No flash (see a little more detail).

Daily Cuteness/funny!
Husky: “I Love You” -  Sure, this is nice and all, but imagine hearing that howling ALL the time. Damn huskies. ._.;
(OMG, I'm becoming that lady from the Heavy Metal Cats video! D: )
Nostalgia Critic's review of Langoliers(you probably should see the movie first)

Music played:

Feeding Fingers Fireflies Makes Us Sick
Kate Bush- Hello Earth
Mastodon Oblivion
Silversun Pickups - There's No Secrets This Year
The Decemberists – Hazards of Love
Happy Rhodes Ra is a Busy God
Poe Haunted
Emilie Autumn Find Me a Man
Fair to Midland Seafarer's Knot
Within Temptation Angels
Type O Negative Todd's Ship Gods
Pink Floyd High Hopes
Mai Yamane Rain
Jem 24

You know, I forgot about the 100 Character meme. 8D   I'll get back on that.


  1. I actually think the middle design for the Grimmy is coolest... more sadistic. XD (Lol, I loved the Grim Reaper patting the dude on the head in the commercial, too~ XDDDDDD)

    I like Grace's hands, too! They have more movement and look more firm in the wrists, not so floppy. ^^

    Sofya looks nuts in her expression. <3

    I was surprised to see the horse painting with the flash... I didn't realize it was so colorful, and thought it was amber/sepia toned! But it's good you posted them side by side, flash and without, because without the flash shows that the values are rich and the details look good when they aren't overwhelmed by light. I can't wait to see the mane painted, since that will probably make or break the painting. I actually kinda liked the idea of it being amber/sepia, though, hehe. O:

    Oh gosh, now I want to tickle a Slow Loris and I spent too much time at PBF and NC (after watching the Langoliers review, which the mockery of the loony guy made me laugh. I think I remember being disappointed at the Langoliers CG also. XD) I'm not going to be able to watch so many videos in the future, though, because of time and the possibility of switching to a limited broadband (the family must share) soon.

    And finally... OMG your picture with my goddess and me is perfect! You got our nose shapes right and Momo's trademark peach as a rosary...!!! (Momo means peach in Japanese, so she designed a peach character that she sometimes signs her name with or parodies, like with "Momochu") Only other reference that could make this better would be her pinky extended, since she's the "Pinky Peach Princess" and always extends her pinky in public, especially when holding a microphone. I love this concept of idol worship, though. I'm inspired to use the concept in a picture now also. I can display it in my room and creep out family and visitors. :3

    Thank you for introducing me to Hedwig. I don't know whether it's because Hedwig's close to the beginning of your suggestions these past two times and so they stand out due to "first syndrome" but I find his melodies and voice very pleasing. ^^

    And if you want me to filter H!P down for you, I can give you a breakdown of what each group is like and little sentence long descriptions of the members and some recommendations of specific songs, since I know they have a huge discography, and not all of it is palatable to someone more used to listening to more serious artists. (Though you might like the Heavy Metal remix of Minimoni Telephone Ring Ring Ring just for laughs. XDDDDDDD )

  2. I didn't choose the middle pose since Grimmy really isn't sadistic (much). 8D

    Floppy floppy floppy. My hands look like there are no bones underneath.

    Do you mean Sophia? o.O The one with the big eye? *headscratch* They can be confused easily. ^^;

    Thanks, now I feel pressure about the mane. :P I mixed mainly blues so that it would connect with the background and fur. It looks odd, so I guess ochre should be added. AGH! Sorry to disappoint you with the non-sepia-tone. :P

    That sucks. Sorry. >.> (Seriously) But you can't get away from me that easy just 'cause you can't be on the comp. :3 And don't feel obligated to watch everything. I just kind of went nuts (like usual).

    Yep, I studied your dA ID (and probably looked creepy while doing so) to get your face shapes right, or at least close enough. I'll keep the pinky thing in mind. And if there's a certain outfit you like of hers, please tell me. She seems to have lots.
    Hey, no copying! :P J/K I'd like to see what you come up with.
    If you want to creep out your family with the picture, why don't you go a step farther and take a picture of yourself bowing to her photo and send it to Momo herself? :P Creep HER out.

    I'm so happy you like Hedwig! (I usually refer to Hed as "she," so your use of "his" made me go EH?)The original cast recording soundtrack is awesome. All of the songs are really good, and if you can, check out the movie. It may not be your cup of tea, but give it a try. You can use THAT to creep out your mom. It's an odd movie.

    *snerk* I guess my music IS too serious, eh? So H!P may send me into convulsions if it's too sweet, but I'm willing to try it out. *music junkie* If you have recs based on what you know I like, go ahead and list them.

    *writes down the Metal Remix* That sounds interesting. >.>

  3. I think the day when I launch DEMIURGE, I'll probably do an April Fool's crossover with yours 8D Pic is love <3

    And that Derrot/Momoko pic looks so cute too :D And the horse looks fantastic!!

  4. What would our Sophi(fy)as do together anyway? Drink tea? Gab? Bitch about their servants? XD

    Thank you. :3

  5. I'm sorry I'm replying so late! I've been working on final projects and studying this past week. ;.; ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ I love, love the Grace drawing! I agree with Derrot, the movement in the wrists is good. The story Grace is from doesn't have a sensible plot yet, but that guy she's next to is her fiancĂ©. The story takes place in the present day, but the two live in a sort of artificial sub-universe that is separate from reality. They can leave and enter this sub-universe as they please. Long story short, they're dressed like that because this sub-universe bubble has a dress code.

    I'm considering using the story to attempt Artslam again this year. You might have heard of it before? A few of the people I watch have mentioned it lately. You might be interested in participating if you want an excuse to draw a ton and work on stories this summer. Speaking of character notes, I have your Shangri-La notes bookmarked but I haven't had a chance to read them yet. D: I'm so glad the end of the semester is just around the corner.

    The horse WIP looking great. I like the color palette, but, er, I have a feeling it doesn't quite look that way in real life. I wish I could pet the sweet-looking thing!

  6. The end-of-the-semester grind is a bitch, I understand. 8D
    The Grace concept is interesting. I hope it's cooler weather in that "bubble." It would be awful to wear those clothes in heat.

    Never heard of Artslam. But since I'm entering a semester, I dunno if I could manage it. I'll read the rules and everything thoroughly later though. I wouldn't know which story to pick for it. D:
    Take your time with the S-La notes. Lots of time (unless you skim. 8D) Hope they don't get too boring.

  7. It was the Sofa (sorry, I couldn't help it :p) with the big eye... I was going by left-right order of how you named them. XD

    Don't be sorry! XD Though a sepia picture is a good idea for a color scheme in the future. ^^

    Haha, don't worry about it. I don't know how the limited internet is going to be, or how soon we'll get it, but I'll probably be cautious when we get it because I don't want to get blamed for an extra usage charge. o___o I'll let someone else use up the internets and take the blame. :p But I don't think Youtube takes up that much, unless it's HD, so it's possible I'll still be able to listen to your recommendations regularly. I'm finding I also rather like Emilie Autumn and that first Repo suggestion was interesting. :D

    Oooh, this outfit, because it's hilarious:
    Or she could capture my soul with this:
    Or if you wanted to be totally weird, this:

    I do have an actual shrine to Momo I made as part of the box project for Painting. I think Momo would actually get a kick out of such a picture (she gets "mad" if she's not the favorite of a fan. She even made a fan admit she'd rule the cosmos over a radio call-in.) XD

    Sorry, I wasn't sure what the proper pronoun would be! D: I listened to some more songs of hers on Youtube and I think I may check out the movie! :D I think I listened to the video you linked in the previous blog entry three times straight!

    I'm going to make a little H!P 101 for you (and maybe use parts of it for my H!P blog, too)... that way maybe I can make it entertaining for you as well as picking out songs that you might like. I get the feeling you'd like the more old-school stuff, but there are some recent gems, too. I want to give you a favorable impression of one of my biggest hobbies. Because H!P is more than just music. It's like a huge soap opera/long-running sitcom. o___o

  8. Well, since you meant my Sophia, thank you. She's meant to look odd. And thanks a lot for the "Sofa" nickname. Now I have an idea. WHHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYY? (Random factoid: not all words need vowels, as seen in the aforementioned "WHHHHHHHYY" and also "rhythm.")
    I think of stupid shit when daydreaming. >.>

    *wonders how to go about making sepia with paint*

    I'll try to keep links to a minimum though. I'm glad you're liking some of the music. I hope it's not TOO serious for ya. If there's something you're interested in, just mention it and I'll link to more or something similar. :3
    Yes, Repo is...interesting, to say the least. Watch out for some Emilie Autumn fans; they're NUTS!

    Is this supposed to be a reverent picture or a dirty one? o.O The shirt and net alone are just, wow. XD I CAN'T make the picture serious anymore. RE-DRAW! Momo and Tori, sittin' in a tree. T-I-C-K-L-I-N-G... You know, in this context, the peach symbol is no longer innocent.

    What box project? Different class? And how did you explain THAT to the class? Why do I get the feeling you blush when you talk about her? :P

    *snerk* That's fine. The movie leaves his/her gender kind of ambiguous. I just say "she" because that's how Hedwig is portrayed most of the time.
    Which one? "Wig in a Box?" :3 I think I've found a potential fellow HedHead. *squee* The movie can be watched online here: , but I dunno if you'd want to see it that way or on video/disc.

    H!P 101?
    You mean I have take ANOTHER class this summer? D: This one should be more fun though. XD The "sitcom"-iness piques my interest. (I'm doing that with my band story, so maybe I can take some pointers from H!P)
    Is that Peachusagi your H!P blog? Maybe I should follow it.

  9. @Meshia

    Just dropping in because I noticed a link going to my blog from here. Hello! I run AoiUsagi ( Nice to see someone drawing H!P art, even without being a member of the fandom~ If you ever need song recommendations or info, come visit my blgo!

  10. Now I'm imagining the scene from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, when Arthur and Ford become sofas. o__o

    You could use sienna and sepia paint of course! (Or just mix a lot of yellow, some red, and a dab of blue until it's all muddy... add yellow to lighten and slight blue to darken.)

    I don't take music so seriously for it to be too serious. XD As long as the melody is nice or sounds fun, I'm pleased (but you might be disappointed to learn that I don't pay attention to lyrics much.) How are the Emilie Autumn fans nuts? O: (Let me guess, they have mental disorders as well? From what I can gather from Wikipedia... XD )

    It can be whatever sort of picture you want it to be! I'm entertained either way. XD Momo's crazy. I'm crazy. Anything goes. ^^ (But don't make it too dirty, I have a platonic view of my goddess. >_> )

    Different project, same class. I probably do flush when I talk about her, but mostly because I get so passionate. If you ask former classmates and professors of mine, they probably remember me as the girl who couldn't stop talking about "that Japanese girl." I even did a series of drawings in Painting/Drawing Research featuring Momo. As for the class's reaction, some people don't even flinch, some chuckle or giggle, some humor me and ask me questions about her (actually, I think I understand how religious nuts feel. Except I can actually see Momo. 8D )

    It looks like I don't have the right plug-in for that site anyway (and it never downloads right for some reason :\ ) so disc it shall be (if I can find it. XD) But if it's ever on television, that may be even better. Is it ever on VH1 or something of the like?

    Yes, H!P can give you very good pointers for your band story (because it will have to be character and plot driven to gain followers rather than music driven.) I'll type it up and send it to you on dA! A Google Doc might work best since I could add pictures! ^^

    And it's not my blog, but hers! *points up* She has a pretty established blog, so you could follow it and see another view of H!P! ^^ (Her blog is funny, too, if the post/picture I linked is any indication. XD)

    Sadly, my H!P blog is neglected right now... I need to fix that. 8D
