Friday, January 20, 2012

Keep Calm and Play With Pastel Dust

 Camera was acting odd so these aren't the best photos. >.> (excuses excuses) I'll be getting rid of those borders; I just need them to hold onto so that I don't smear anything when I'm holding the paper. (Must find spray for these)


Fire/Foo Dog

Wood WIP-Qilin/Kirin
How am I going to complete this stuff before Tuesday? D:


  1. Do one a day! You can do it~ :) (Though if you end up not being able to finish completely, I'm sure the Professor will understand.)

    The contrast is much better in the Dragon now! I like the detail in it, it's like a huge braid!

    And Kirin's looking good so far. Great wood texture, and he's has an awesome pose. My Little Kirin~

  2. Aaaaaaaaand I failed. I'm still on the Qilin. D:

    I like the Dragon better now too. :3 I guess it's okay for the "ruler" of this year, eh?

    Oh yes, I love natural textures especially wood and greenery and that's probably why I'm still playing with this one-I can't stop touching it. XD
    Hey now, don't turn it into a MLP. :P

    1. Oh no! Well, now you'll have to finish them all today! Lay them all out in front of you and work on them all at once. I think the Professor would rather see six artworks that are going somewhere rather than three polished artworks. XD

      The ruler of this year should be proud! ^^

      Hey, Discord was a villain in MLP, a Kirin can be one, too. Which voice actor famous among nerds should play him/her, though? (LOLMarkHamill? XD)
