I'm still working on this bugger. That's bad, but I've already explained the whole Mom situation to my professor so hopefully she won't wring my neck when I show up with only three pieces tomorrow. 8D Since CNN is taking over the art building this Thursday, class is cancelled so I hope to get the other three done over the next week.
This thing is pretty messy but I love textures in nature and I can't stop fooling around with it. The professor wants us to work fast, but you know, I would rather appear with something nice rather than six things that look all scribbly and ew. But that doesn't mean she'll like them. XD (She has the most confusing expectations and tastes, I swear. But she did get points in my book for enjoying Sherlock, so yay confusion?)
Since I haven't explained my reasoning for pairing up the creatures with an element, I thought I'd do so now. >.>
Foo Dog-Fire: Or should call it Shishi? These creatures aren't considered dogs, go figure, but more as lions. They guard entryways and aren't really associated with fire so my pairing is a bit arbitrary. I just thought that a fire creature would deter intruders. And the "flowers" are round to represent the balls male Shishi are portrayed with.
I want fix this guy since he doesn't look lion-ish at all. XD
Dragon-Water: It's his Year, yay! Dragons are considered guardians of bodies of water, storms and floods. So the water theme fits, eh?
Qilin/Kirin-Wood: Or Earth if you prefer. The traditional Qilin are more dragon and lion-like in appearance but I drew inspiration from the interpretation of the "Kirin" in the Japanese novel series/anime, The 12 Kingdoms. (translations galore! And a wonderful anime too) They're deer-based and look similar (not much) to Western unicorns. Qilin are believed to appear in the gardens of future good rulers. In the novels, Kirin, like all other creatures, are born from sacred trees. So, that's why I chose all this Wood stuff. >.> I'm coloring it similarly to the way I completed Sailor Demeter. The "branches" are meant to be the mane/tail so that's really why they look like tendrils rather than hard wood (*snerk* Hard wood. >.>)
Crane/Phoenix-Air: Kind of obvious. But this one can also represent the Spirit coupled with the Phoenix.
Tiger-Earth/Soil-I had a reason for Tiger to be paired with the earth, but I can't remember it. CRAP!
Monkey-Stone/Mountain: Monkey could probably work with Wood due to its association with trees, but I'm taking inspiration from the The Journey to the West. Monkey, in this story, was born from the Mountain of Fruit and Flowers.
That wood is insane (in a fabulous way)... don't be surprised if the Professor just asks you to do abstract textures with no subject. XDD (And the benefits of her keeping you guessing as far as her tastes means that she prepares you for the real world, when lots of strangers will view your work and you never know what their reaction will be! XD)
ReplyDeleteWhat's up with CNN? Did something happen or is the art building just getting promotion? :O
I kind of want to see the reactions of the class when you tell them all those explanations. Any anime nerds in your class? 8D
Tiger's can be paired with the earth, because their poop makes good fertilizer. <3
I wouldn't like being told to make something with no meaning/subject. ._.; I'm too attached to mythology/religion (and character-making) to just do...stuff, like abstracts. That's what I want to do with art. We may be butting heads a lot this semester. XD I still want to do my goddess portrait series (similar to these with hair and clothes being the elements). Oh, and some of my Grim series. >.>
ReplyDeleteMy main problem is that she says we can do what we want, but tries to push us in different directions and wants us to change things.
But thank you. I love the wood and leaves. :3
I'll be posting the final in a few minutes. It's...eh.
The art building will be holding the GOP debates so lots of journalists will be taking over the campus. Joy. ._.;
I haven't come across any anime people, but I mainly keep to myself so maybe there are.
Lots of explanation/stuttering/fumbling over words tomorrow.
Why do I believe that you would actually stand in front of an audience and talk about poop?
I hope you get to do those series, because it's a lot more fun looking at the work you enjoyed working on. Just because a drawing has a story behind it shouldn't make it strictly illustration/graphic design. The class is required for both Art AND Fine Art majors, so I think it sucks to expect everything to look like it should hang in a gallery.
DeleteGah, yeah. It gets our hopes up when we think we're finally free and then our ideas are struck down. >_> LOL THE EDITORIAL PROCESS.
So Obama is coming on campus? :O
I wouldn't come across people unless they saw I was into in and started talking to me (because I'm so open about my nerdery. XD) Though one time (in Painting/Drawing Research, in fact) I saw a classmate with a Pokewalker and asked her to let our Pokemon go for a walk together~ <3
Because it's my trademark character! 8D
I'm gonna push to do those series because:
Delete1. I want to have a portfolio which reflects me rather than randomness
2. It'll get my butt in gear to start on the stuff I've been saying I would do for years. 8D (That Grim one is how old now?)
I don't get the hate for illustration because those artists are whom I practically grew up with. People like Boris, Hescox, Sweet, etc got me interested in art (I sorted so many card sets with their art-it taught me how to count too, heh).
Did you ever get struck down but stayed with an idea? I might be facing that situation. XD
Nah, the debate tonight is between the four candidates who want to run against Obama. (Romney, Paul, Santorum, Gingrich) I'm actually watching it now and I swear Gingrich and Romney are about to claw each other's eyes out.
Looking at the students' first series, I don't get a "nerd" vibe from any of them. ): Forever alone.
YUSH. <3
DeleteI think the stigma against illustration is that it is usually done by freelancers, who probably make more money than the average fine artist (outside of professionals that have gained a following.)
I'm thinking the stereotypes go like this:
Fine Artists: Artiiiistic hipster bums that care more about fulfilling their internal visions than buying material comforts. Also snobs. That may stink because their water was shut off because no one wanted their collage made of peanut shells.
Illustrators: Greedy sociopaths that sell their soul to corporate devils. Their art has no substance and is just a vehicle for consumerism. They'll draw anything for money so they can afford a fancy flat overlooking the Fine Artiste's Hooverville and go, *Nelson voice* "HA! HA!"
But in reality, they actually overlap. Fine Artists need money and Illustrators have artistic visions (some even draw their own ideas, le gasp!) They both draw or paint stuff. :|
Kinda sorta. I knew going into the class that comics would be frowned on. But after doing my weird illustrations, I actually ended up getting permission to do the comic. :D But you have to show passion! Working faster and doing extra artworks might prove that... *whistles* (Toward the end of the class, I was showing 10-12 artworks per critique.)
Ew, Santorum's there? I thought Republicans were against buttsex? D:
You'd be surprised. Just because their art doesn't show a nerd vibe, doesn't mean they don't watch Doctor Who or watch anime or play Legend of Zelda at home. :)
"Also snobs. That may stink because their water was shut off because no one wanted their collage made of peanut shells"
DeleteYou owe me a new Coke. And a new screen. The mental image was awesome! XD
I take it you're not too keen on "Fine Artists?" (going by the ghetto Hooverville comment. Duuuude, make a comic of that idea-Commercial artists oppress the poor "true" visionaries by throwing golden toilet paper at their collage-selling booths)
Illustration is a lot more fun for me anyway. It's colorful, eye-catching and a good adrenaline rush. I'm wondering if my Grim series would be "illustration." It seems that some equate "illustration" with "anything representational which doesn't copy the masters."
But it's not that I'm not passionate(I am, really), just slow and nitpicky. XD (But ARTEESTS shouldn't be nitpicky, I guess)
Oh hush you! :P
I think Santorum isn't going to waste his time here, considering he hasn't made any friends among the LGBTQP(whatever the fuck else letters have been added lately) community, and Jax's is rather large.
Oh, and "santorum" the slang term was named after the guy years ago. Just search "santorum dan savage" to read the story.
I think my class has more of the snobbish, fine artists (well, NOT snobbish. But they really don't strike me as nerds. Like, at all.) D:
It's not that I'm not too keen on them. I just don't like it when they think fine art is somehow superior to commercial art. >_> Elitists in anything are annoying. Someone can read Shakespeare and MAD Magazine, and not be a trashy traitor or whatever they are accused of.
DeleteI could try to sketch out that comic. I have a lot on my plate, though! XD
Illustration is a lot more entertaining because it's meant to be shared. And depended on execution, your Grim series could go either way. But see what I mean by the overlap? What is fine art and what's not? A lot of "fine art" from the Renaissance could technically be considered illustration because they went along with stories of the Bible or Classical Mythology. But they were framed and hung up on walls instead of printed in books or advertisements. But then modern printing technology came along, and "fine art" is printed on post cards and other goods. And well... if we were to zap the old "masters" to the current times, they might think the divide is kind of silly. XD
It was actually named after him?! Wow, well hopefully that will keep people from voting for him. He deserves it (if he can praise the seed of rapists, then he should be happy with the seed of the evolving English language raping his name.)
That makes me worry about society. ;_; Let me guess, Facebook Zombies, Hunting Enthusiasts, and Reality Show addicts? D: (Derrot's impression of non-nerd American culture.)