This could be considered both as part of my goddess series, and not. Miss Eve is blamed for fucking up the world by introducing spiritual death(separation from God), yet she's not really a "goddess." Women screw everything up. 8D
There's also the idea that the first person (Adam) was hermaphroditic, and was split into two beings (and he had three wives, but that's a story for another time). Men and women have characteristics of both sexes (estrogen and testosterone, etc.), so I gave both Adam and Eve male and female parts, kind of.
List time!
- Snakes are a phallic symbol. Is the snake tail an obvious suggestion of that? :3
-The end of that tail is in a "subtle" place on Eve. /sarcasm
-Adam does have a female part. Can you see it? (Eve is poking it) It's based on The Healing of St. Thomas by Anish Kapoor, which I read about years ago. The opening could be seen as Christ's wound, or even as a vagina. (And since Jesus can be seen as a "new Adam," I gave this Adam the wound.)
-They both seem to be fingering that pomegranate. 8D *is shot*
-Speaking of which, who is offering the pomegranate; him or her? Can't immediately say Eve since she seems worried here.
It's not coming out the way I want it to. I might trash it and just continue working on the portrait/cartooning of Benny C and others. >.>
I think the idea is fantastic, firstly. Symbolism and metaphors and Adam & Eve interpretations, yum yum yum. The only thing I'm confused by is the snake. Adam is the snake person, yes? O: But otherwise, don't give up!
ReplyDeleteAnd this post is both "coincidence" and "great minds think alike" for me XD Coincidence because I just read about three days ago about how Mary is considered the second Eve and Jesus the second Adam in Catholicism...I'm pretty sure it must be on some bizarro world because they didn't tell us that in school 8D *childhood broken* Thank God because if you think about it, it's squicktastic. EW. (But great for a possible plot point. Ee-yup.) Great minds think alike because my mind for some reason keeps telling me to write and draw smut that involves an intersex (or the unrealistic futanari, take your pick) and a "normal" person, and gender issues/identities and social beliefs...but like everything else involving smut and my desires, I've not continued with it :P I know your painting isn't smut but I was reminded of that 8D *SHOT*
Which religion says Adam had three wives? *relevant to my interests and everything else* I know Judaism says he had two wives, Lilith and Eve (aka The Witch and The Doormat 8D).
Is the "Healing of St. Thomas" a book or a painting? Google tells me it's a pretty silly painting o.o
Yeah, Adam is the snake. I'm not really trying to say that Adam was the bastard snake who tricked Eve into eating the fruit. It's mainly a male symbol to symbolize how man has demonized woman throughout history, so I combined male and snake. Does that make sense? I KNOW what I mean, but it's kind of hard to explain. XD
DeleteI've heard about Mary being Eve for years, and I always thought it was a bit weird. >.> Or as you put it: squicky. But I think it just means that they're the new, heavenly ideals to aspire to, as opposed to a pre-Fall couple in an earthly paradise from long ago. Just don't think of them as the married Adam and Eve. 8D
My Demiurge deals with a normal person and a sexless/androgyne, so I'm interested in your idea. Y U NO CONTINUE? D:<
*snerk* I don't mind if this makes you think "smut." Many of these recent goddess images are meant to deal with sex in some way without being titillating. So if you see smut, your interpretation is closer to my own. <3
There was a midrash (Alphabet of Ben Sira, I think) that mentioned the second wife. When Lilith refused to come back to Eden, God created another woman in front of Adam, but Adam was grossed out by her because she was formed from the inside out (so he saw the organs and other junk inside her before her lovely outside skin). She was either killed or let out of the garden, and unnamed. The Sandman comic series has a small section with this story, so look into that if you get a chance.
I actually had an old story idea which dealt with her fate. Since she left the Garden before the Fall, she was untouched by its curse/sin. So when she died, she reincarnated as Mary, and that's why Mary was holy enough to bear Jesus. I may still write it as a short story, but I just dropped the idea since I really didn't know what to do with it. 8D
Then there's the idea that Eve was talking to herself the whole time since her name and the serpent's are written similarly. (I need to find my notes for this) Another plot seed!
AND- the woman in my pic can be seen as Lilith too. Since she and Adam were created at the same time/came from the same being, they may have both been hermaphroditic when separated. Since she didn't come from Man, how can she be woMAN like Eve, who was once Adam's rib? (And really, the Doormat? How sad. Still laughed though)
"The Healing of St. Thomas" was basically a hole in a wall. XD You walked into a white room (weird room too) and nothing was in it except for a single slit in the wall which was painted red. And I remember one interpretation being: not only is it the wound, but it can also be a mother goddess's vagina if the viewer's religion had such a thing. :3
/ramble (Sorry ._.; )
Oh, that makes perfect sense! :D Tricky snake.
Delete>:V I NO CONTINUE because I'm pretty sure the idea I have will offend either the intersexed people or anybody else in a sexual minority...despite not having such intentions D:> I just wanna make a nice romantic smut with some analysis thrown in (because apparently I can't just do straight up stories. I've noticed this tendency in my stories...). Also, I NO CONTINUE because of other comics and comics planning :P
*drools from explanation and plot idea* Man, if I was a normal person, I'd ask you to someday write that to include in Ara & Celi. Oh, wait, phooey, IGNORE ME. But seriously, that sounds like a really cool idea to do. *u* Y U NO RITE DAT NAO?
And Eve talking to herself what an idea---- *sploosh* Too many plot bunnies!! *runs into same wall*
Well, I called her the Doormat because the Jewish version made it seem like the reason why Adam preferred Eve is because she was pretty much submissive to anything and everything he wanted or said. :P At least the Christian (or Catholic, I don't really know if it's the same across all denominations) version gave her some credit...wait, what?
/rambly ramble.
Good good. I usually wonder if my odd explanations put people off by confusing them more. I can't describe things well, which may not be the best thing for when I write (but I rather "show" an idea rather explain it. Or something).
DeleteI can't say if anyone will be offended by your intersex story since I dunno what the plans are.
Wait, I can. SOMEONE will be, because that's how things work. At least one person will get up in arms about anything you do, so I say do it anyway without worrying about making peeps upset. (When you get time after your other comics anyway ^_~)
Hear hear about not doing "straight up stories." Any tiny idea (especially for my damn fan comics) become full-blown. Thank you, Muse, for helping, but care to help me actually write/draw? D:
*hopes Muse didn't just become offended*
('course, muses really aren't "real," so am I talking to myself? Hardy har har. Har. Just call me silly Eve!)
*needs a head doctor*
Eh? Do you mean writing something similar for Ara & Celi, or me write it as a "legend" and then you reference it? Or...I'M CONFUSED! D: Depends on what you mean. I WON'T IGNORE THAT COMMENT. *clings like a koala*
It'll be written. At some point. 8D
STOP PUTTING HOLES IN MY WALL! At least put a pillow in front of you first, so that you have a cushion to protect your nose 'n stuff. >.>
*will have to read the different versions of Eve story. Again.* Not that I'm complaining. 8D
BTW, AEONS! Soon! I hope! Cuz I promised (or at least have plans to).
What do I mean? I dunno! WHEE! *runs into wall. Without a pillow*
Heh, I'm like that too :3 *sisfist*
DeleteYeah, I know. I've just been on Tumblr so long that basically if even one thing is off in a story involving someone who is not cis, white or straight, it all turns into a crapshoot. x_x It's almost energy- and creativity-draining (I mean, there's not wanting horrible stereotypes, duh, there's wanting more diversity, duh, and then there's not letting anything that's not even hurtful like kissing be published because it offends your sensibilities. That last one's an exaggeration but I hope that makes sense x_x) You can't make everyone happy, that's true *nods fervently*...but you can sure make them all angry XD *avoids confrontation most times like a coward* *wants everyone to be in peace and harmony like most pipe dreams*
I'll most likely tell you via email if you want to know seeds :3
Either one, actually! Preferably the former 8D It can be a guest-canon-thing, uh, thing. *pets koala!Meshia* Of course, you might have to wait years before I even get to such a point in the story, if I ever ;___;
WHEEEE, AEONS!! *puts another hole in your wall* *this time with koala fur protected* That'll be sweet since I'm hoping to sit down enough and draw some Arrrcccchooonnnnssssss >;)
I've seen lots of wank on Tumblr. >.> But I've also noticed how "gay/bi/other" and slashy it is. That just might be the groups and people I follow with Bloglovin though. It seems that your idea would be encouraged somewhat on it (then torn down, but that happens later 8D).
DeleteYus, send e-mail. I may not be much help, but I'm nosy as all hell. :D
If it takes years to get to the Mary/2nd wife story, then you may need to e-mail me about it to remind me that you want to use it. I may have already used the idea before then, but I probably won't mind our stuff overlapping a tiny bit.
Did you just use me as a shield for your wall-banging?! D8
I like the curves in their forms! Very classical, and the sort of embracing tangle Adam and Eve are in is tangible. The hand poking Adam's kitty is especially well drawn, and shows off the wet, squishy texture of its victim (or willing party?) really well. Adam's hand clutching Eve's hand could be a bit longer. But I don't think you should trash this one! It's coming out beautifully. You've already come so far and the hand can be fixed.
ReplyDeleteThough I am intrigued by what the cartoon of Cumberbatch looks like. o__o I always love cartoons. <3
Thanks. :3 (Classical? Hmmm)
DeleteDo we really refer to those as "kitties" now? XD Heh, squishy. I dunno if it's a willing victim. Maybe I'll give Adam a look of ecstasy just to creep people out. I may try to redo Adam's upper body since that's the main problem. (Such dainty hands!) I probably wouldn't trash it anyway since it's on Bristol. That shit's expensive! 8D
Cartoon!Cum(berbatch) isn't in existence yet. I'm still struggling, but I'm gonna redo/re-tackle that portrait I was working on. Strangely, his character has already snuck into a pic with "Mother" Death. (They're only sticks/underdrawings, but still)
Meh, I really shouldn't say that HE is in the story. I'm just using his likeness, somewhat, ginger hair 'n all. >.> (Which the Doctor is jealous of)
You're welcome~ :D It's the composition that especially makes me think it looks classical.
DeleteI refer to those parts as kitties and Sarlacc and Cthulhu... I have no problem saying the correct term, but for some reason other people get all touchy about my casual use of vagina, so I've become accustomed to using silly metaphors. 8D
Yup, that's another reason not to trash it. XDD But even Wal-Mart has Bristol now! 8D
On Nerdist's YouTube channel, there's a video of Chris Hardwick saying that BeneDICt CUMberbatch sounds like the name of a Harry Potter porn star. XDD (I'm still awaiting your portrait of him! Please don't give up! I've finally finished the Sherlock series with the exception of the last ten or so minutes of the first episode, but I'm whatever with that. XD)
Okay, what his cartoon self is acting as. XD