I've been typing up those mentioned retrospectives while scanning the old, crappy art. I'll probably put these on a schedule and they can update without my having to push the post button everyday/week/however often I want them to pop up.
I've been doodling new stuff but nothing is substantial. U MAD? :B (most likely not)
I also have found a way to watch an old favorite show of mine, so I'm thinking of doing a retrospective on that because I owe quite a bit to it. I also need to take photos for it. 8D
This may become (officially) a random ramble blog, alongside being a sketchy one. So forgive me as I yak about nostalgic stuff (speaking of which, I've also been typing a large nostalgia entry with clips, memories, etc. But it needs to be cut into parts since it has become a bit large. 8D)
At the moment, I'm looking into Library Science degrees and I have one that seems perfect, offered by FSU. Luckily, the courses are offered online so I won't need to travel far or move. <3 Once I get a job, I can pay for the damn degree myself, if I get accepted. *crosses fingers* I may not be able to start until next year, but I figured it best to start looking early, know the requirements, professors, and other miscellany. >.>
Hope you peeps are well! <3
I usually put my posts on schedule so I can limit my computer days... more "hypothetical" drawing time. XD I look forward to them!
ReplyDeleteI can't be mad since I don't really have anything substantial either. I have sketches of the mermaids, but I'll just wait till I finish a couple more and scan them all at the same time. I've been busy working on other art, not my own projects, so they are my priority right now.
I have no problem with rambling posts! If it keeps you blogging... I was getting worried, but I thought you might be busy. (I should follow my own advice!) I wonder if I'm familiar with the old show?
Already going back to college, even online? o__o But if it helps you get the job you'll enjoy, go for it! I hope it works out for you! ^^
Still working on them, but mostly everything is on hold since I've been job-hunting this week. (And watching/catching up on Supernatural while drawing what little I can-everything's coming out meh.)
DeleteI'm still waiting for your updates. :P And for some reason, I can't comment on your ogres. I've tried twice now and the connection seems to lock up. They must be cursed! D: So that's why the most recent entry is the only one I haven't popped up on.
Hoping I can get something substantial up this weekend. Maybe something from Roadside Whispers and my "Mother" Death DW comic, with Benny C (I don't want to say who he's "playing," due to---River voice: Spooooilers))
Why be worried? D'aw. :3 I've been wondering about you too. Keep posting, lady! I get weird when peeps don't update. >.> Even if it's just ideas; just say something. XD
You may know the show, you may not. Since it doesn't seem to be planned for DVD release anytime soon, I was ecstatic when I found it on the 'net! I have to take photos for it though, if I find everything. Box-digging time tomorrow!
I won't be trying out for the degree this year. Next year will be the earliest. I don't even fulfill all the requirements yet. D: I may need to take those at UNF and hope those credits still count for transfer(and I dunno if I should ask Louise for a rec letter. XD But I was never really close to any of my professors, so I dunno who to ask, except for one but she has moved since I had her class. So stressful!) But yeah, the whole Library Science degree can be done online, so no moving to Tallahassee! I can't seem stay away from school since I've been going for 20+ years. 8D
Now, your turn! POST!
Yay for jobhunting! I need that kind of courage. (And I hope your art block gets better. In the meantime, gather inspiration.)
DeleteI've been updating slowly but surely! 8D I've been redrawing those QT Crawlies so I can shove the originals in some dark crevice of my room. And that's freaky about the ogres! O: Maybe they scare your computer (though I see the comment got through fine now... wee, lots of comments! @_@ )
I always get a little worried when I don't hear from friends (even though I disappear a lot, too... I often can't take my own advice.) And I remember your health from two years ago... ;_; (I've been trying to update... at least you can tell when I've poked my head in on dA... but I admit, I do need to do more. I'm such a perfectionist with this stuff. I rarely do spontaneous posts. XD)
Weee, I can't wait to find out what show it is! There are several shows that I miss that aren't on DVD, or weren't last time I checked.
Sometimes I miss school and sometimes I don't. I like the idea of learning lots of topics at my own pace, with my own intensity for each one, so it's great not to worry about three or four tests all at once or having to "wait for the good part." And about the letter, I'd say go ahead and ask her. As long as you bring artworks to appease her and show you're still arting. :P (And I have the same problem. I don't get close to many people period. Closeness is something that has to be nurtured over years for me, not a semester. And then I feel like a bother asking for stuff. D: )
Okay, okay. D: Um, Friday? If my computer is nice to me. I've been having trouble saving files in my art program lately. I actually have to copy and paste the art/scan into a new canvas and then save it under a different name... but some files save with no problem. I'm confuuuused. ;_;
Still slumped. 8D And jobs are not appearing. AAAAAAAAAAAH! *rolls around like a panda* It's kind of depressing, and that kind of takes the excitement out of creating. >.>
DeletePost the QTs! And yes, lots of comments. I'm...sorry? XD I do get to commenting eventually, but everything is done at once, so...sorry again.
I don't think I'll be getting ill anytime soon. :P So if I don't post, it probably just means nothing's ready or I have nothing to say. If you get too worried, just e-mail me. I answer quickly.
Pfft, don't worry about perfection. Obviously, I don't. *points at latest post* 8D JUST POST!
If you want a hint for the show, it's about a dog. >.>
I may choose another school which doesn't require rec letters. (It'll be due to having a quicker program-not
because I want to be lazy and not ask).
And I dunno what I could show her. 8D My chicken scratches?
Maybe it's just a bitchy program. You can still post though. GO! :P
Our generation is having rotten luck with jobs. It actually sounds like it's worse for college graduates because the high school dropouts were given a chance at a younger age and have their foot in the door. Experience cleaning toilets for a wage is becoming more useful than thousands of dollars worth of degrees now... (I don't know whether I'm sarcastic about that or not.)
DeleteI will, once I ink them. Since I've already posted the first versions as WIPs, and the redraws are pretty much the same, just bigger with a tad more detail or fixed anatomy problems, it would seem overkill for my poor scanner. I'll just scan the inked drawings for dA and some other pencil drawings I'm working on for the WIP segment of my blog.
I'm guilty of the mass commenting also, so I'm not complaining. On the contrary, I'm very thankful that you take time out of your day to comment and critique~ *hugs*
Ah, same situation with me (nothing ready or found to be scanned or not ready to type)... but I will take you up on that offer though if you go a long time without posting! :P (Or call you like a creepy stalker. 8D ) (Nooo, don't tell me not to be perfect! My mom tells me that all the time when I'm doing chores or work, and that just makes me more self-conscious and meticulous! XD Just like telling me to take my time makes me drop everything and get whatever I'm told to take my time with done. What does that say about my personality?)
... Wishbone? I remember you talking about that show. 8D I remember watching that show, but I didn't like it as much because the dog talked. Cartoon talking dogs are fine with me, but for some reason I find it annoying for live doggies to have human voices come from them. It's like when people dub over live-action movies in a silly way out of context? Except Wishbone wasn't totally silly. I didn't think it was a bad show because I love books and stories, but I found it hard to enjoy a whole lot when Wishbone had a human personality pasted over his acting. :(
Make sure you show her some clucking and pecking at the ground while you're at it, then. Go for a full routine. :P
It is being bitchy. I've never had the problem before though, and I just wish I knew the source of the problem. (It's also annoying, because I use to open a dozen scans at a time to adjust contrast and resize before posting, and now it's a "one at a time plus a couple extra steps" affair. And Google got rid of their photo-editing browser-based program. Rawr. But come July, you'll see stuff from me! For reals! Barring catastrophe, of course. 8D )