Nothing is completed. Oh, I was aiming for some level of completion but then I got into an altercation with someone and it sucked out my creativity. So, this is just proof that I wasn't slacking(much) yesterday or today.
First are the semi-comic panels (yeah, such a thing doesn't exist, but just go with it) for the PMMM/DW crossover. They're really just little scenes/ideas which will be fleshed out at a later date.
Like I said, nothing is done or cleaned up, so, yeah. 8D
1. A scene where Mami and Homura bump into each other. Long story short, Mami is convinced that Master is a dirty old man who wants to get into Homura's knickers, so she knees him in the happy place. I had to stick in this cliche scene when I saw this gif:

2. Doc 11 and Master chill out, watching...something. Probably a kid's show, since we know Master is fascinated by those (and thinks they're real, how sweet). What ARE kids watching these days anyway?
3. Couldn't fit this in, but Doc 11 is scanning Homura with his Screwdriver (after she stops trying to hijack the TARDIS, that is).
4. Mami and Doc 10 go into battle (this will be made bigger, and I hope it comes out awesome).
5. Kyubey takes a liking to Master. This meeting never happens; I just didn't know what to stick in that spot. 8D
6. You can't see the gun in Mami's hands, but it's there. She's suspended in midair and hanging onto it. She was fending off some sort of fiend who was bothering Martha and Donna, but the 10th Doc put a stop to her gunslinging, since he hates guns n' all. There's probably a panty shot. ACK!
7. Doc 10 inspects Mami's Soul Gem (and it feels "dirty" and weird to him).
And in the very middle circle are Homura's Soul Gem(or as I call it: "egg") and a Grief Seed. For the hell of it.
Next is a WIP of my Sophia and Jadine's Sofya, but you can't tell because nothing is there. :P It'll be filled in later. Hardy har har.
Last is a half-shaded Nozomi, Riyna's Puella Magi. I've been meaning to draw other peeps' PMMM OCs, but have fallen behind. I'm such a bad fan. D:
That Nozomi fan art looks excellent :) And you spoil me so much, aaaaaaaah ;w;
ReplyDeleteYay for more PMMM/DW updates <3 Where's that gif from? o_O
I like spoiling people. :P
ReplyDeleteI THINK it's from The Time Monster, but don't quote me on that. I just saved it because I fell in love with it (especially because she just pushes him out of the way, adding insult to injury).
Homura is so cute in that first panel! <333 And yay, nutcracker! XDDD
ReplyDeleteWell, The Master could watch some Adventure Time and then everyone will think he's on drugs. Or go a little bit more old-school and watch Spongebob and start talking to sea animals and squirrels. 8D
I totally ship Kyubei/Master now. 8D
You got the Tenth's hair shape down. Don't forget his crinkled brow, huge eye on one side, in the Soul Gem inspection panel. ^^
I'm sure the Tenth Doctor likes panties way more than guns, so no problem there. XD
And I like the shading in the Nozomi picture. The shading brings a balance to your drawing that wasn't there before.
Homura is cute by default. She acts so serious, but those glasses of hers are adorkable./gushing
ReplyDeleteEverything needs a nutcracker in it. (Who cares if it's cliche?)
I've never seen Adventure Time. I'll have to watch it once. I was tempted to use MLP:FiM, but thought nah. That would be going too far. 8D
And people think he's nuts already. He's a lunatic.
(The talking-to-squirrels sounds fun though)
...BAHAHAHAHAHA! I wonder if Kyubey humps people's legs.
Talk about a crack pairing. :P Weirdo.
Ten's hair is easy; just think of a cockatoo. :D (One eye is bigger than the other? Why didn't I pick up on that?)
Ack, I consider the Doc as somewhat asexual, so it would be odd for him to be interested in...panties. ._.; And it can't be Mami's panties anyway or he'd be a dirty old man looking up a teen's skirt.
I could be in denial about his sexuality, but it drives me bonkers when River Song says something dirty when referring to him. AAAAAAAAAAHHH! *stays in denial*
D'aw, thanks. :3
Megane love? *high-five*
ReplyDeleteNutcrackers are like farts. They aren't cliche, they're a fact of life. XD
I don't think it would be going too far, he'd probably become a Brony. XDD But yes, Adventure Time is really good. It has bits that surprise and amuse me: (Listen closely to what they say. Pure awesome.)
But the pairing makes total sense now because of your drawing! C:
I think it's because of his arched eyebrow that I interpret him having one eye larger than the other. XD
The 10th Doc seemed to at least consider himself sexy from what I saw. 8D But if he hates guns, then panties would certainly be more kosher. I didn't mean he would look at them in a sexual way. XD
And I don't know what my mom is talking about, but she's in the living room talking about an eyeball in "The Eleventh Hour" and she's saying, "It's so cute!" O_o I really can't wait to get to that episode now. XDDD
Of course! <3
Eh? I feel stupid right now. *gives high-five anyway*
ReplyDeleteAnd neither are pleasant for the victims. :P
I still think it would be TOO weird for him to become a Brony. o.O 11, however...
Maybe they can fight over the remote. 8D 11 can use MLP as a teaching tool to show Master how to treat people, and require him to report on what he learned about friendship everyday.
Then Master can kill him. XD
Y'know, doing a mini-blog from Mister Master's POV about everyday lessons of friendship would be amusing.
"'Dearest' Doctor,
Today I learned to not call Earth girls crude names (despite the fact that their outfits can be false advertising). The one called Amy hit me after I made one such remark. I fought the urge to blast her across the TARDIS, and made an apology (does it matter that I didn't mean it?). She accepted and actually hugged me. Disgusting.
However, I was still miffed about her slapping me. So I shot her husband.
He always comes back to life, correct, like that freak Handsome Jack?
You Master
P.S. His body is in the corridor because I could not be bothered to store it elsewhere.
I do not believe the girl has found him yet, since we are still friends."
Anyway, the Adventure Time clip was lulzy. "Now we can die!" I'm going to look it up later. :D
How would real!Kyubey romance Kyubey!Master?(This is so screwed up)
Ah, that makes sense. I looked him up and didn't see anything odd about his eyes. 8D Both are pretty big anyway.
Yeah, 10 was a bit arrogant in that department. And with good reason, with people wanting to snog him all the time.
Stop talking about panties! D:
She might be talking about the Atraxi. That whole ep was pretty cute, especially when he met young Amy. "You're Scottish, FRY SOMETHING!"
Why is she watching S5 already? Stop her!
Megane = glasses. Like I have a love for guys in glasses, mostly because of their stereotyped character in shows and movies, but also because I find it cute when they push their glasses up their nose. XD In Japan, they have a tendency to throw in a glasses-character (Homura in this case) to appeal to megane lovers. ^^
ReplyDeleteThat would be hilarious! XDDDD I think he might need that talking Twilight Sparkle plush from Target to tell him he's doing it wrong, though. :3
(Aww, poor Jack. He's not a freak. He's just hilariously full of himself. <3 He's actually one of my favorite characters, probably second to the Doctor.)
Kyubey and Master would go out on a date trying to seduce young girls to power. But then they get arrested and bond in prison. >_>
I can't stop her! She's obsessed (and has control over the television!) O: She was listing off the episodes we had recorded and when I mentioned we haven't seen that one yet but I was looking forward to watching it, she started watching it. D:
Ah, that helps. I dun know Japanese. >.> And it shows. Don't they usually push their glasses up with their middle finger? You find that appealing? Oddball.
ReplyDeleteSo it's like a fetish? Makes sense, I guess.
Stopitstopitstopit! I already have an image of him writing in his friendship diary(DIARY!BAHAHAHA!). Do we really need a plushie giving him advice? (Probably.) It can be customizable and the Doc can record his own messages in it. That could get annoying quick.
(He gets called "freak" because he can't die. It gives both the Doc and Master the heebie jeebies if you remember their reactions. The Doc just has more tact.)
Since when did they become a pedo duo? D: But that's just great. XD *points* You do it! Or me. Or you. Or...somebody!
*slings panties at you*
Oops, I didn't mean to get her obsessed. Sorry. So now she's using it against you in a sadistic way? You need to get a cardboard cutout of an Angel and put it in the tv room(quietly) when she's watching it. Then when she takes a break, BOO! 8D
Either that or their index figure. Yeah, it's pretty much a fetish. I find it soooo cute! :D
ReplyDelete*imagine the Master with Tara Strong's voice* XDDDDD
At least Jack isn't a bad guy (just a scoundrel 8D) otherwise his immortality would be veeeery scary. (Now, if he is indeed the Face of Boe, then I can understand being afraid of that. XD)
Not a pedo duo, just that Kyubey seduces Puella Magi with its powers and Master tries to use Homura in your story... 8D Again, I might sketch this out as a comic strip, if I remember, but I doubt I'll ink and color it. XD
Yay, panties! \ ^ o ^ /
That sounds like fun, I might be able to get my dad in on the joke, too. 8D But my mom gets awfully violent if we tease her too much... >_> (I don't think she realizes how much it hurts to be jabbed in the ribs. D: )
So now I know one of your fetishes. Good. But do you know one of mine? 8D Hardy har har.
ReplyDeleteDear sweet lord, NO. that would be going TOO far. It can induce nightmares for people. (like me) He sounds high enough. ._.;
I always have the urge to kick Jack in the ribs when I see him. Sometimes I like him, but other times... *shoots him* 8D I dunno if he is the face of Boe; Davies got a talking-to when he started hinting Jack and Boe were related. So he may get out of it somehow by using the Torchwood series.
I still think them being thought of as a pedo duo would be funny. "But we were just talking business contracts with those girls! BUSINESS!" If you draw it, I will e-hump your leg.
._.; You need panties or somethin'?
Slap-happy? I'm like that (yeah, don't sneak up on me).
Time Lords in drag? 8D
ReplyDeleteBut that's perfect for a horror-themed episode! :D It would be so memorable!
Aww, I find his annoyingness one of his charms. XD Probably why I love Momo and Sayumi Michishige. They are so full of themselves, that you can just laugh at them. <3 (It would be funny if he was the Face of Boe, but the only bad thing is that he loses his sass if he becomes that big talking head thing. D: )
As long as my leg stays dry, I'll draw it! XD
Nah, but I would totally take some My Little Pony panties. 8D (True fact: I almost got in trouble in 7th grade gym class when some girls were making fun of me for liking Pokemon and I said that I indeed love Pokemon and wore Pokemon undies and asked if they wanted to see. They told the coach on me. D: I think I still have those Pokemon undies somewhere. 8D)
Yeah. One time she threw Mr. Fluffy Feathers across a room and strangled my penguin, Captain Hobbes! D:
I meant pelican, not penguin. I already gave a list of my penguins in another comment. XD