Sunday, August 5, 2012

My Face Is On Fire

(Should "Is" and "On" be capitalized in the title? I ask because I yearn for knowledge. Seriously.)

Anyway, after dealing with god-awful blackheads and other blemishes for so long, I declared war on my skin and got some killer astringent. When the air hit the "treated" areas, I screamed. A low scream, but hey, I didn't want to alert anyone. 8D It fucking hurt, and I started coughing and gagging. Then I spat a lot. However, the stuff worked. Now I have pretty pores (for now)! So, I recommend Sea Breeze if you're looking for that sort of thing. I got the Sensitive Skin kind. Lord knows what the other one would have done to me.

Anyway... (I abuse the ellipsis. You may bitch me out now.)

Back to inking!

I'm gonna try to post everyday or every other day on one of my blogs, in order to keep active. *snerk* If I get my retrospectives typed up, I can have the things updated automatically during the week, but those are just taking too long. >.> I've been looking for my old Sailor Archangel notes (from way back when she was Sailor Angel in 2000-01). I must have thrown that stuff out. Dammit! They would have been kind of funny to read again; the ideas I had were awful. 8D

I'm also doing that art progression meme I've seen floating around on dA, kind of. It's mainly for personal reasons, but if you wanna see, um, you...can, I guess? When it's up. Yeah.

Expect random crap/rambles/rants/thoughts. I apologize in advance.

1 comment:

  1. I think the title capitalization could work both ways. o__o I think.

    I might need that Sea Breeze sometime. It's been so hot lately, that I get blemishes on whatever side of my face I sleep on. But I recently experienced burning because I put special aloe face cream on some dry patches. I thought aloe was supposed to be cooling to the touch?? But it did make my skin softer, so I give it a thumbs up for that.

    My turn to encourage you to get back on a regular posting schedule. :3 After you feel better, of course. *huggles*
