Monday, December 31, 2012

So... 12/31/12

This year was a flop. Other than my goddess series at the beginning, I didn't get anything done. Sure, I started. But nothing is finished. Kind of sad. Maybe I need to find a different path in life, because this art thing is a bit of a failure. >.> Bored with my complaining yet? I am. (I need a cheerleader or something).

-I've seen a progress meme going around dA and am a bit sad that I really can't participate. I don't have anything good enough or thrilling to put on it. Hmmm.

But I may get something done this year, since I'm doing two collabs with wonderful peeps who can stay on my ass. Those are:

-The  DW comic/story/THING I'm working on with Derrot. We have the very first part slated to begin in January. We still have the timeline to work out and ideas to organize, but I'm sure we can do it! We'll have to make a list of the work to do and then split it up. (I'm doing that "new" character sketch tonight, Der!) Can't wait!

-A short comic with Jadine. We did not get accepted into The Sleep of Reason, but we're still going forward with the idea we planned. We pretty much have it all outlined, but may embellish things since we no longer have a 20-page limit. I'm really excited! Let's make it freakin' awesome and make people jealous! XD

-I have an interview on Wednesday. Wish me luck? I really want to commish more peeps cuz I love y'all. ;_; Sure, there's stuff I want so I need MONEYZ (and benefits), but I mainly want to give to charities, schools, and commish/buy stuff for buddies.

-I have sketches. (Always sketches; nothing substantial! BAAAW) I would call them Xmas gifts, but since that's gone... 8D I'll just call them sketches. If you don't get one, don't be offended. You may be getting something soon. I just need to get into the swing of things.

-I want to work more on Roadside Whispers and maybe more on my SPN idea, even if it's just scenes for the fic(written and drawn). I've grown quite fond of Rosalind and don't want Cherry to just languish under a pile.

Do you have resolutions? :3

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