Monday, July 11, 2011

Yes. Yes, I Am.

Ever since Friday, I've been fiddling around with a friend's neighbor's computer. It has a bunch of junk on it (programs, adware, spyware, the occasional virus), and it's also old. So it takes FOREVER to do anything. But I think it's moving faster now. (Being hopeful here) I basically spent a good chunk of the weekend at this person's house, until yesterday I decided to bring it home since she and her kids were leaving town this week. So I guess that's good,  since I can clean mine up too as I mess with theirs. But I haven't been able to do much else besides.

How does that relate to the thing above? Well, they have a dog. A really sweet, friendly, attention-hungry, SMELLY dog. She's awesome. She bugged me the whole time I was there. >.> I didn't mind, but I had to keep rubbing good-smelling lotion on my hands. When I got home in the evenings, my own dog(Furbutt/Foxy) would come up to see me, then stop and sniff me. When she smelled the other dog, she kind of disowned me for a couple of hours. 8D She is a jealous thing. I think others can relate.

Yeah. Anyway!

Here's a stupid DW thing I doodled before my class meeting. Please don't kill me, peeps. XD I prefer an asexual Doctor like Smithy (and we need more asexual characters on TV, or anywhere really). I don't like seeing these two sex each other up, but I still like the pairing due to the funny things that can happen. (Innuendos and all)
Note: I do have to wonder about the Doc's asexuality after seeing a certain scene in "The End of Time." I think Tennant had a weird wardrobe malfunction, or he just REALLY enjoyed getting strapped down and smacked around like a dirty boy. Some of you may remember what I'm referring to. I couldn't stop laughing.

Music stuff:
Two of my current loves-


  1. I know how it is to try to salvage old gumped-up computers! Fun times, huh? 8D

    Aww, maybe your doggie just didn't like the smell? (Yeah, I know jealousy is the most probably cause, but...) I know if one of our family members is around someone that smokes and the smoke smell is on their clothes, the rest of the family tells them they stink and kinda stays away. Or one time I went to a warehouse place that had a smell and I came home and my mom said I stunk and I had to go away and take a shower. Foxy was just letting you know in her own way. XD

    Your description of 10's hairstyle made me even more interested! XD And I totally agree with that last panel "... for the lulz" sums up why I like pairings usually. 8D (They are so huggable in that last panel, too, aww. :3 )

    I liked the Adele video! I always love it when that song plays on the radio. It shows they really can make music with the awesome qualities of "oldies" still... the well has not run dry! ^^

  2. I think I have it working okay now. They really need to get their personal files off, so I'll just tell them to buy DVDRs. I don't have enough to get everything (and it would suck if they lost that stuff; I've learned the hard way. 8D )
    That means dA message time tomorrow! (or later today) At least after housework. I hate that vacuum. It really is scary sometimes.

    I don't think bad smells bother her. If you smelled her, you'd probably agree. XD She just hates other animals. So antisocial! (Like me sometimes, heh)
    For the record, cigarette smoke IS gross. Run away from it! RUN AWAY!
    Do y'all comment on complete strangers' ciggy smell? 8D

    I can't help but think of a cockatoo when I see him. There's one exchange between him and Donna that goes something like:
    Doc: I want a mate!
    Don: *pause* You want to MATE?
    Doc: No, I want A mate.
    Don: Well, you're not mating with ME!

    And the whole time, I thought, "Dude, if you just made your head do a cockatoo mating dance, you'd probably attract a mate."
    Yeah, I wouldn't make a very good Companion, especially with 10 and his fragile feelings. I do feel sorry for him though; he desperately wants companionship, in the more-than-friends way.
    (And I doubt Master would be a good choice with their whole love/hate thing going on, coupled with the fact that he's psycho. But I still dig them together, even if they don't have very many "aaaw" moments. But there are amusing ones; watch their little phone conversation in "The Sound of Drums." It can be taken in a slashy way, but Master is really just being a dickhead. XD )
    I wouldn't try to hug a Time Lord if I were you. >.>

    That's exactly what I thought. The song reminds me of something from the 50s. We need more talent like her on popular radio. The bubblegum is fine for awhile, but soon it's a zzzzzzzfest.

  3. Vacuum's are scary if they are too close to one's face. D:

    Sometimes I will make general comments like "smoking is bad for you :( " if I know the person, but when it comes to strangers, I fight the urge to tell smokers they stink. My family tries to be polite, too. Well, sometimes I don't say anything and just cough and wave my hand in front of my nose when around someone that smells like smoke, giving them a hint. But I'm not going to try to get punched (or a glowing butt thrown at me.) When I was really small, though, I used to embarrass my parents by going up to strangers smoking and tell them they shouldn't do that and it was bad. XDDD This is the same little girl that yelled out in a parking lot, "Mommy, that lady's hair looks like Marge Simpson's!" As you can imagine, some adults didn't find me exactly adorable. 8D

    I want to see him to a Cockatoo dance! o_____o

    And I'll try to check out that episode, even though I probably won't be able to check out any DVDs for awhile.

    And why shouldn't I hug a Time Lord? Does something happen? O:

    Yesss, I agree we need more talent on the radio. Or just more people and variety. There's more than ten current singers out there. >_> I love hearing familiar stuff just as much as the next person, but I like also hearing a variety to introduce me to new artist. I want to hear a song that makes me want to look up the artist. That was the magic of listening to the radio when I was younger and I listened to the "Oldies" and "Classic Rock" stations. But now the radio is so boring to me to listen to on a regular basis. So I'm thankful for places like Pandora. <3

  4. Both strips = HILARIOUS WIN. ("slut", pfff)

    And also Donna = WIN. (She's my fave of 10's companions)

  5. My dog thinks the vacuum is scary too, especially when I chase her around with it.
    I'm totally kidding. I'm not that mean. XD *is shot*

    If someone ever throws a glowing butt (heh, glowing butt *snerk*), kick THEIR butt, even if you made them mad. :P I don't think that kind of comment warrants a burn.
    Hm, when I was young, I once blurted out that some guy was "fat." Never did again after my mom smacked me for it. >.> Aren't kids CUTE? :P
    The Marge Simpson comment made me lol. Do you remember the woman's reaction?

    I don't think we'll ever see him do a cockatoo dance. ): Unless someone has drawn such a thing. Hmmm.

    Well, hopefully we can someday gab about the show in all of its campy glory. But you do what you need to do first. Whatever THAT is. (Be careful?)

    The Doc may not mind the hug, but the Master may not be too keen on it. You would probably get shocked. (And I don't think the other Time Lords are very friendly and hug-gable either)

    I haven't been on Pandora in so long. >.>
    Hmm, have you heard these songs by Foster the People ( or Naked and Famous( They remind me of the oldies in some ways.

  6. Jadine: Donna love! *high fives* I was surprised by her, because I've read some harsh things about her character. I thought she was the most realistic honestly. >.>

    And thank you. :3 <3

  7. So all this time my mom has been treating me like a dog by chasing and scaring me with the vacuum cleaner? D:

    I think I would try to dodge the butt and then go tell a police officer or someone in charge of wherever I was at. And then the smoker would get in trouble for threatening a "child." 8D "That old man/woman tried to burn me!" Well, even if the smoker was our age, smoking still causes pre-mature wrinkles. XD

    I actually still identify people as fat sometimes, but usually if I'm not in a good mood and said fat person is not within earshot. My mom doesn't like it when I say, "Those fat kids are causing trouble again." XDD It's not really in a mean way (it's not like I think they need to go on Biggest Loser or something or that I dislike them because they are overweight... it's just they are overweight, like some people are blonde), and when I want to sound nice, then I try to use a euphemism. And as far as the Marge Simpson lady, I think she had her back turned and didn't hear me/let me know she heard me. The smoking lady thought I was rude.

    Does that "hmm" mean "someone" should draw him doing a cockatoo dance? 8D

    Aww, so the Doctor is a "special" Time Lord? I wish I could hug beard!Master. I could zap him first with the static electricity in my hair. :3

    I actually haven't been on Pandora for over a month either, but that was because of moving. I'll start listening to it while drawing again. ^^

    I haven't heard those songs before, but now that I have, I agree those songs do have a bit of a retro sound to them! I like the second one better. It has more of the catchiness I like about classics. ^^ It reminds me of Empire of the Sun's sound. <3

  8. Does she really chase you with the vacuum? Abuse abuse!

    You could probably get away with referring to yourself as a "child," if you haven't changed much since I last saw you. You did look young. :P
    *is one of those "fat" people*

    You do it! You can do humor stuff better!

    I do think he's supposed to be special. I've been doing some reading and have come across several references which say he's half-Human. Some people think he might be an Eternal or god and that's why Mister Master is so freaked out by him. BUT I can't say these are true.
    (Would his beard catch on fire then? Shame on you! Better get some Jellybabies ready as an apology.)

    *writes down Empire of the Sun* So much stuff to look up these days.

  9. Yes. D: Not lately, though, probably because now our house mostly has wood laminate floors, and carpets in the bedrooms (which aren't close to my room.) We use a tiny vacuum that can't eat me for the area rugs in the living room and my room. ^^

    I don't think I've changed much. Most people still think I'm 14-16 when they meet me. (My dad loves to make a game of "guess my daughter's age" with people. XD)

    Hey, don't start that! XD

    Alrighty! XD These random things are all going to be sketches. And when I post some sketches but not others, you might have to remind me which ones I forgot. O:

    Sounds like he's legendary even among his own people. O_O And I don't think I can set the Master on fire considering he's already flaming. :3

    Yeah, there's too much stuff to keep up with. And it's never going to stop. XD

  10. She can borrow mine. It's one of those old vacuums with the water bowl and hose. It's big and loud, very annoying. Interested? 8D *pokes you with the hose*

    And I'm sure your personality and love for plushies help the "young" image.

    Oh dear, I can't remember everything you're supposed to draw. You don't have a list? o.O Heh. *hides* I know they're mostly humor-based. :3

    He seemed to be an annoyance to the other Time Lords. They even forced one of his regenerations.
    (And I SEE WHAT YOU DID THAR! Doesn't mean you can't set his beard on fire though. But poor Lucy may not like being burned. Hardy har har. *bricked*)

    We'll be dead before then. It sucks.

  11. Nooo, don't encourage her! That sounds scary! D: I'm also scared of VCRs, escalators, and ceiling fans. DDD:

    And my small high-pitched voice, small boobies, lack of make-up, and hairy man legs for those that don't see me wandering around the toy aisle and bouncing up and down excited. Though I do have a tendency to skip in public, so you're very right that that probably influences people's opinion of me. 8D

    I have a list, but we keep adding more stuff! D: Let's see: cockatoo dance, Dalek harrassment, Homura with a shrunken head... anything else?

    That's how the "different" ones are always treated. D: (I think you just made me experience GIGGLESNORTFARTS. :D )

    Let's regenerate! 8D

  12. Why? o.O I can kind of understand escalators and their "teeth," but why fans and VCRs? (I saw something on tv about an escalator going berserk and "eating" people. True story too since it was one of those "I Survived" things.) 8D

    Hairy man legs? Pfft, it's probably light enough not to be noticeable. Mine on the other hand. *le weep*
    *wants smaller breasts, or better yet, none at all* :P
    I don't recall you skipping. Didn't feel up to it while here?

    Poor Homura. ._.; Um, no, I can't think of anything else. I should have written this down. I don't even remember what I'm supposed to draw. WAKE UP! *bangs head on desk* Other than comic stuff. Or something.

    He pissed them off, but I can't remember why. (And I guess I have accomplished something then? Poor Lucy. *waves flames at her*)

  13. Fans can chop off heads and VCRs can eat fingers. D: (Eeek, if I had seen that on TV, it would have taken me even more years to stop holding onto someone's hand whenever I used an escalator. ;_; )

    It is light, though the farther down the leg, the more the light makes it look darker and bronze-ish. And then, just like my hair, there are copper strands mixed with the blonde and light orange, so sometimes there's a flash of red on my legs. XDD

    *I'm the same way. I have small boobies, but even then they are still in my way. D: *

    Probably lack of space or just not bouncy enough that day. If you ever went with me to a place with an open parking lot or similar non-crowded situation, or witnessed me after getting a new Pokemon toy, you'd either be amused or embarrassed to be around me. XD

    Alright, and added to those three it's the Master-Kyubey getting arrested comic strip and a hairbow in 11's hair. ^^ We should both make lists! Even though I have about 20 lists lying around about different things. Even about housechores. I use a list/chart for my housechores. 8D

    Lucy probably didn't care much about life anyway. Getting burned would just be another adventure to her! 8D
