Wednesday, December 21, 2011

'Nother Quicky

I have stuff, but I've been lazy. 8D It's coming. I've been feeling "eh" lately, so that's why my energy is close to nil. I've been coloring, trying to finish a few of my old drawings. Sooooooo, yeah.

Sorry for neglecting people. ;_;

Have an odd video for now?


  1. Yay, you're all right! *spins you around in a circle and hugs tight* I was wondering where you were and was a bit worried since you just got off from school and I thought you'd be more active. I was just about to send you a message to check up on you! *huggles again*

    I've been feeling a bit "eh", too. It's the pre-holiday anxiety bug, the feeling there's so much to do before the holidays. Because I really don't want to spend the week after Christmas being super busy, I want to relax (and enjoy any gifts I might get *ish shot*)! XD But I'm glad to hear stuff is coming!

    That WAS an odd video. O: The song itself wasn't upbeat or catchy enough for me (it kind of sounds like any old alt rock song you might have heard on the radio several years ago.) But some of the effects were pretty neat, especially the black teardrop. And yay for gas masks reminding me of Doctor Who! XD

    After today, I probably won't be back online till Monday the 26th. I have to organize my room and such and prepare stuff. But I hope to hear from you soon, because I miss talking to you. <3

  2. D'aw, I feel special. :3 *snug* Meh, I've mainly been floating/coasting these past few weeks. Doing art stuff, but being bad about interacting. 8D I do have your Idol posts lined up to read. (I must be edumacated about them, y'know?)

    What have you asked for this Sunday? More plushies? XD My mother is a bit miffed because she doesn't have anything to wrap for me since I really don't want anything. Adult sons and daughters aren't much fun when you can't spoil them with stuff, I guess. I tell her that she should be glad that I'm not being greedy like a certain someone we know (her friend's daughter, eek!). >.>
    Are y'all ready for the weekend at least? Staying in or visiting somewhere? I don't want to ride for an hour and a half, but since her leg is better, Mum can't use it as an excuse to stay here. 8D
    And yes, "stuff." Hopefully exciting stuff, besides class junk. (Which I need to find since dad took some of his favorites to keep for himself.) Blah blah blah...

    Aaaaw, you no liek song? ): I'm just more tolerant of slow things, I suppose. XD Another video you may like is Madonna's "Bedtime Story." (Technically, it's Bjork's, but whatever) 'Course, you may not like that song since it's also non-catchy (even more so than Poets of the Fall). But it's nice and freakish.
    And gas masks are just plain creepy, no matter what the context. (I wish I had one)

    What stuff are you preparing? <.< *nosy* Maybe we can chat on IM sometime? *is bad at keeping in touch*

    Ah, have you heard of a Brit show called "Being Human?" I just finished the second series, and I love it. If you don't have enough on your list to watch (hardy har har), add it! 8D

  3. Well, you ARE special. :) So feel the love~ *huggles* And I'm bad at interacting, too. I'm surprised I've been able to keep up as much as I have. *is mostly a lurker* But I have hundreds of dA messages to catch up on. XD

    Y-You've been following my idol blog?! O: I was concerned that no one was even reading it! OO: Awww, this means a lot to me! I'll make sure to keep updating it now! (I'm behind on that idol challenge thing. XD) I hope I don't bore you, and feel free to skip around. You'll at least get to learn about the idols I draw and see the idol sketches I do. ... *squee* This makes me feel so happy~~~ <333 :D (Speaking of idols, what is scarier than the Olsen twins and trolls heavy metal fans? )

    Of course I asked for some plush! XD And what did I get... more than I could have imagined (or deserved!) I had a very fluffy Christmas. ^^ Your idea that parents like buying gifts for their children sounds correct, because my dad seemed to enjoy how excited I was with my gifts. And he's been playing with them with me, too! :D (So has my mom, but she's been busier. XD) But I do feel pretty greedy, because there were two unclaimed stuffies that were probably going to end up being family plushies, but I really wanted them (a bush baby and a squirrel) so I'm actually paying my parents for them. >_>

    We stayed home for Christmas. Our family lives all over the country, but particularly on the West coast, so it's not very convenient to visit often (especially since our finances were drained after moving into a house.) But I'm happy. It's loads better opening gifts in our home than in a tiny apartment with noisy children running everywhere, hitting the side of the building with balls and toys. I told my dad that even if we had a smaller Christmas like we did last year, it would have been happier this year just because we're in a comfortable house together. <3

    Aww! I wish my parents liked my art so much that they stole it! XD My dad prints out some of my drawings from dA and my mom teases me about the commissions I do, so I guess that's good. But wow, you must feel more loved if your dad keeps his favorites! ^^

    I didn't like it very much, but the video was neat. It's not that I'm not tolerant of slow songs, it's just I have less of a chance of liking them or getting into them. I never know what I may like, even though the odds are against slow songs and are for upbeat songs, so it's good I gave it a try, right? :D I watched the Madonna video, and it was the same... too slow to get into (maybe in a less hyper mood I could get into it more? Like if I was relaxing on my bed?) But the music video was pretty awesome with the strangeness. Especially the eyes/mouth swap toward the end. Woaaah. o_____o

    (I'd say 9 out of 10 songs I listen to I'm "meh" about unless I'm a [A.] biased toward the singers or [B.] have my nostalgia glasses on. Remember when you threw a ton of songs at me? I was able to find something I liked due to that 10% rule. ^^ )

    Oh you and your nosiness. XD I'm preparing for actually posting stuff on a regular basis in 2012, making to-do lists, looking at what materials I have to use, etc. And yes, I'd love to chat on IM sometime! I'll be online on Thursday and Saturday~ if we can chat around the evenings, that would be great! ^^

    Oh no!! XD *adds it to the list* It looks like it will be harder to follow, like Life on Mars, since I don't think there are American discs or a broadcasting of the original episodes, what with there being an American remake of it. And I still feel pretty ick about streaming aggregator sites. And I definitely won't (and can't! XD) download it. But I'll check out what clips are available on Youtube and see if it's something I might like. ^^
