Saturday, July 28, 2012

'Ow 'Bout Dem 'Lympics?

Is anyone else watching 'em? Or am I just the lone nerd? >.>

*waves flag for gymnastics and swimming*

Back to drawing! (or at least trying to)


  1. I've tried to watch in the past, but it's too boring for me. XD I barely have time for the stuff I already enjoy! (And I managed to roll another cartoon into that pile of enjoyment... have you heard of "Gravity Falls"? It premiered two months ago and it's pretty awesome. <3 )

    1. The Gymnastics portion catches my interest because it's neat to see the jumps and flips. I sure as hell couldn't do what those girls can. I know you don't care, but our team won gold. YAAAAAAAAAAAAY! 8D

      I've never heard of it, but I looked it up and I recognize that girl. I think she's a meme. I'll look into it. (Legally)

      I may post something later, to keep things moving. >.> post something too!

    2. I ended up watching some of the gymnastics portion with my mom. Okay, it was neat, I'll admit. But wow, when the girl's coach went and complained about the score... I thought that was weird, but my mom says that happens all the time because they all want to win. But I ended up feeling sorry for the other girl. I'm a bad citizen. XD

      Mabel does have quite a lot of gifs already. (I guess that qualifies for meme status? Or is she popping up in other fandoms? I have seen a Doctor Who crossover. And even the show itself referenced Doctor Who in the... time travel episode. 8D ) Beyond the nerdery, though, she's so adorable and special. The rest of the cast (Mabel's not the main character, but the co-lead with her twin brother, Dipper) is entertaining (or creepy, which is sometimes entertaining, sometimes just creepy. Like the kid that looks like a geezer. I seriously thought some old dude was hitting on Mabel at first and wondered how that got past the Disney censors. D: )

      I'm not sure if I posted anything on August 1st, but I have posted stuff this month! :D
