Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Quicky 7/3/12

It's less than a month until applications for the Library Science program open. ._.; AAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I really want to get into the program, but if I don't have a job by the end of this year, I won't be able to start in 2013. So, would that $55 application fee I've been saving be wasted? ;_; *le cry*
That's why I haven't been drawing much or posting(frickin' job hunting). Sigh.

/first world white person problems


I'm thinking about closing my dA account. I don't really use it except for keeping up with stories I read, and I could just bookmark those pages and check them from to time. I'll be moving everything to my site, hopefully a domain soon, so why keep stuff there? >.>

I've outlined a Supernatural fanfic. I need help. WRRRRRRRRRRY? (I've already typed out the last scene, so...)
/stupid fan problems

I'll look at people's blogs later. <3 I see some good ole updates!


  1. I hope you eventually get a job! The job situation is pretty terrible over here, too. >_<

    I don't know if it's a good idea to delete your dA account... even if you don't use it now, it's still an artist networking device. If you ever become famous, people might want to find your dA, and if you have old stuff on it, it will make you seem more real. Just a thought. ^^

    As long as fanfiction keeps the creative juices flowing, I don't see a problem with it. XD

    1. It's hard, definitely. Sucks. >.> Not only do I need the insurance, but there's stuff I want. 8D /selfishness
      Lots of things are coming out and GAAAAAAAAH. And I'll need to pay for the program if I get in.
      What jobs have you looked at thus far? :3 Anything fun?

      Well, maybe I'll keep it open and just put everything into storage. It just seems like a waste of space at the moment.
      Besides, my "old" stuff will be posted to the site, and I doubt I'll become famous anyway, so... 8D

      Yeah, but it's fanfiction. Not original stuff, but fanfiction. It helps with practice, but it's not like I can do anything with it. I'll probably post the outline and last written part on my writing blog. With a couple of illustrations.(I'm doing a post for the blog at the moment. Nothing major, just a small thing to keep things going before the big stuff.)

    2. Oh yeah, insurance... another reason why I need to find a job soon, eep. ;_; And right now, even though there is stuff that I want, I realize I don't need them as much right now since I wouldn't be able to enjoy them with how busy I've been and how much other stuff I already have to read and watch around here. I just really need to help pay the family's bills.

      I want to work at a bookstore (that would definitely be fun) that is several miles away, I just want to see how transportation will be. Since I lack a car. There is also a grocery store close by, but they aren't hiring right now. :( I wish there was a bus route here or that I could work within walking distance. Which might be possible. If they are hiring.

      That's not the spirit! You never know who will want to use dA to converse with you in the future. The point it... it's not hurting you to keep it open, right? It's another portal to your work.

      I know... that's why it's a hobby. Definitely don't force yourself to do fanfiction at the expense of original work. But if it's an itch you must scratch, go for it, because you'll just get clogged if you don't. An H!P x Pokemon crossover isn't going to make me rich and famous, but it's fun to think about, and it's better to get it out on paper than let my writing stagnate while I obsess. ^^
