Sunday, January 16, 2011

Zee Intro of One

I don't know how this blog stuff works, so I'm pretty much winging it right now. I want to use this space to post my sketches to prove that I am working on stuff, without bombarding my Deviantart buds with dev and scrap updates. I like my buds too much to put them through that torture.

Things to expect: a bunch of WIPs (like WHOA), pictures of friends' characters, my characters, fan art of shows I have taken a liking too (Metalocalypse is my poison right now, until it leaves my system), art of musicians, and maybe some writing (original and fanfic) and random rants/thoughts. So...yay and howdy?


  1. Yay, I hope you'll be able to keep up with this! ^^ I tried to make an art blog, but it died/went on hiatus because I ended up finishing WIP's before I could post them or I didn't have them scanned yet. XD Maybe I'll revive it.

  2. Knowing me, I will be updating rather sporadically. 8D I do have sketches which I haven't posted publicly yet.

    Yes, do revive it. :P We can poke each other to be more productive.

  3. Okay... it's just like joining a gym, it works better with a friend! :D

  4. Hi there 8D In case this thing doesn't work the way I want it to work, it's Jadine <3

    Hopefully this will work out for ya :D I'd keep a blog but I barely update my LJ as it is XD

  5. I'm going to force myself to keep up with this. Laziness shall not prevail!
