Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I Wonder If Jesus Ever Snored

The title has nothing to do with the post. XD It was just a random thought I had while doing a sleep study over the weekend. During the same time span, I learned that I actually really like Katy Perry's "E.T." D: Odd video too; I kind of like it.

Okay, anyway!

There's a meme on dA that I'm working on, where you draw 100 of your characters (fan and completely original). See here. Aya is working on it and Pure has already killed it (twice). I'm slow. :D Here are my awkward beginnings. Some of these charas have not been seen much or at all by y'all. I'm doing this as way to keep track of how many I have and to prove that otaku senshi don't rule my OC mind. They do take up a big chunk though, I'll admit. However, I'm working them into my original stuff because their storylines are too non-SM-y to stay in that universe.

I'll adjust things as time goes on.

1st part:

WIP 2nd part:

 Can you read my writing? XD

R.S.: Roadside Whispers. I don't know why it is "R.S." and not "R.W." I dunno what my brain was doing at the time. *snerk*
D-S.M.: Demiurge, Book one-"Sprained Minds"
PMMM OC: character for Puella Magi Madoka Magica
S-La: Shangri-La, Sailor Moon fic
Band- I haven't created names for these guys and gals (or the story itself), but it's the one that is described here. Their tentative designs have already been doodled on a small piece of paper. I'll draw on anything, yeah. >.>
G.I.: Impressions of a Grim Spawn


  1. Thats kind of a super-awesome idea. But I totally don't think I have 100 characters.

    Also? Yeah, ET is surprisingly listen-able. I had no idea it was her until someone told me.

  2. If you don't have that many now, you can always add them as time goes on. :3 It's actually good practice. I'm trying to get their personalities to show through, so they won't all have that same blank expression usually seen in drawings.

    It's a shame that the song will be worn out in no time, due to Top40 radio. It's one of the more decent offerings from the industry and to have it become "soulless" from overplay will be sad to see.

  3. Ooh, I like the Adia (I think I read your handwriting correctly) character on your first page! I like her happy nature and pretty figure~ XD

    I, too, find this idea pretty awesome though I doubt I have enough characters as well. o___o Well, unless I count monsters. XD I may give it a try~

    I gave E.T. a listen and also found it pretty cool (I'm not really able to get into the song's trancey rhythm, but the music video is strange enough to be loved by me. XD ) I'm surprised I haven't heard it yet considering there's a demon in my immediate vicinity that plays Katy Perry music constantly to the point where at least another person around us is horrified just at the mention of Katy Perry. That's the failure of pop music. D: In 30 years maybe it will be on an oldies station and we can listen to modern hits without smashing something. ^^

  4. You're kind of close. XD It's Adlai. I probably should change her name since she's a carry-over from a Heaven vs Hell comic I was working on years ago, and I used Hebrew names (with no knowledge of the linguistics, ack!).
    I think it's funny that you find her "happy." She IS, but not in the good-natured way. ^^;

    Like I told Luna, you can start then add characters as they're created. :3 Believe me, once you start listing who you have now, you may find you own lots. LOTS.

    I don't like Katy, but the song and video hooked me. I guess I like "trancey" rhythms? >.>
    Pfft, around here, once your airplay is done, it's DONE. You may hear a few old songs sneak in, but Top 40 is a soul-sucker.

  5. Yay, you're doing this too! :D I might start doing it too once I a) clear a few things I'd like to finish first and b) actually decide which 100 characters get featured XD

  6. That's one ambitious meme! I'm particularly digging the Sailor Archangel and Adlai sketches, though they're all looking good. I was thinking of trying to conquer this behemoth of a challenge myself but when I made a list of all my characters I barely made it past 80. And that's including my awful characters from back when I first got involved in fandom.

    This reminds me that I don't actually know very much about your characters. Do you have any profiles or notes posted anywhere online? I want to know the stories behind the faces!

  7. Jadine: I can't wait to see! :3 I hope your band makes the cut? :P

    Circle: You can dooooooo it! *pumps pompoms* (And Archy's my fave too)

    Let's Shangri-La senshi have "extensive" notes, which are on my GoogleDocs. It's really just a bunch of nonsense discussing my AU for the fic, and I'll be ripping the notes apart for original junk. If you're interested, just e-mail me and I'll send you a link to it.
    The notes for my other characters are currently being written and/or built up. For some, it's a second time because I had a breakdown years ago, and I ripped quite a bit of my art and writing to shreds. ._.; It's a bitch to start over, but I gotta do it. >.>
    Roadside Whispers and Demiurge will have full profiles at some point. But if there's something you want to know about someone, I may be able to tell you now. XD

