Monday, April 25, 2011


Don't shoot me for that immature title. XD

Anyway, yeah. I drew a quick line portrait of my mother. Her lips should be thinner but it does look like her. It's nice to see that I can do faces that don't look too wide-eyed or sleepy all the time, eh? ^^; Er, okay. She does look sleepy here, but it's not like all my other same-y faces! :D

Yesterday, she made a cake for a Hideous Cake contest. For a first try with an actual mold pan, I think she did okie dokie. I thought the concept was pretty amusing. Can you guess what it is?
Put a Bird On It! That turned out to be the theme for the cakes in general. XD
(don't know that reference? Here ya be!)
I had to hold onto the damn thing. It wasn't fun having her scream: "Tilt it at an angle! Don't let fall!"
Gaaaaaaaaaaah! D:

Here's my dog, Foxy. This is random; don't question it.

She watches yoooooou.



  1. Something to do with Peru and horses? *SHOT*

    And ROFLMAO at your dog XD That made me smile. What breed is she? Too cute <3

  2. Noooooooooope. I'll give you a hint: "Yeeeee-haaaaaw!"

    I dunno what she is. She's classified as a husky, but I think she's German Shepherd and something wild. But she's definitely a fluff-butt who sheds too much.


    (b) I tell people to put a bird on it all the time, and the only person who ever gets it is my sister, who watched it with me. :P

    (c) Your dog looks a little like in that last pictures. :P

  4. I had to look up I was in the mood for something cute.

    Then I saw it.

    Thanks a lot. :P

  5. Oh gosh, your dog is creepy, like the owl in MLP. XDD

    You're linework in your mom's portrait is very good! If you keep drawing pictures of people you know and learn how to express their character through them, that could help your character designs. ^^

    That Bird clip was awesome. XD I don't know whether to cheer on Sheriff Bunny or the Peep tribe in your mom's cake, though. O:

  6. You're referencing MLP again! D: That's it, I'm doing a marathon viewing tomorrow!

    Thanks. :3 Perhaps sometime in the future, my charas won't have the same face with different hair and clothes. Maybe that Figgy Painting class will help. Did y'all focus on faces or just the body structure?

    No need to root for either side. They've all been EATED. Well, the bunny was; the peeps had to be thrown out. They were handled too much, so ew. (Even though one kid/teen was going to town with them. It was not pleasant watching him eat those things knowing how they got stuck to the horses)


  7. Yup, that's because MLP is that awesome! 8D (Season Finale tomorrow! :( We'll have to wait till Fall/Winter for more ponies...) I want to buy more dolls and figures of them now... darn-it Hasbro, you win. XD

    We focused more on body structure. They have a Portrait Painting class for the faces... but there will probably be a final project in the Figure Painting class that would allow you to focus on faces if you wish.

    Let me hazard a guess... good ol' fashioned saliva?

  8. I've made it through three so far. I'm slow. >.>

    Who did you have for Figgy Painting? I might get a Louise Brown.

    Nah, just our hands squishing them on there until the marshmallow insides stuck on. I wouldn't want to eat something I knew someone had been handling like that, even if said hands were clean. D:

  9. I had Ladnier. ^^ Be prepared to switch to Acrylics in Louise's class, because Oils cause cancer and cancer is bad. O:

    As long as the hands were clean and not squishing so long that hand oil/sweat got all over them, I'd probably still eat them. XD I just have a problem with one of my relatives because of her definition of "washing her hands" and then when I get upset I get scolded because apparently you can't die from family germs, only stranger germs. :|
