Thursday, April 28, 2011

An Off-Day (PMMM)

Not my best day today. Nothing came out right, but at least I have some ideas. Yay?

First, my Shimo and the unnamed Viking girl who was shown briefly. Were the creators reading my mind? Did they already have this gal planned before I created Shimo? Are they watching me?! D: Or am I just being paranoid? (Yeah, that's it)
It came out horrible. But it got me thinking about how I can probably create a relationship of some sort between these two. *ponders*
I kind of like how quickie St. Joan came out. I don't like how the show included her as a PM because of the implications, but eh. I wanted to make her magical girl outfit anyway, while keeping her tough warrior aspects. (I've always admired her) Not done though. >.>

Kyuubey! This was going to be an Easter-themed thing, but someone beat me to the punch. XD I KNOW they're called Soul Gems, but I always mistakenly call them Soul Eggs. I find humorous the thought of Kyuubey laying these Soul "Eggs." Yeah, I got mad and made him derpy. I R SRS ARTIST.

I'll continue that 100 character meme. Hopefully, I can make something better this week. ._.; Nighty night.


  1. Soul Poop would be the failed witches, hehe. 8D

    Maybe they did see your design! Since they actually were running behind on the final episodes before the delay, maybe they used the extra time to browse fan art?! O:

    That beginning coupling pic is looking cute~ I can imagine the "canon" Viking girl looking up to Shimo. :3

    Joan's got some awesome upper arm muscles! :D

  2. Oh gods, now you need to draw some Soul Poop! 8D

    Supposedly, there was a video made by the creators (I think) that featured PMMM fanart. I'm curious to know what it contained (I doubt mine would be there though, heh). You need an account, but I dunno how to get one since I can't read Japanese. *looks*

    I need to draw that Shimo/Viking gal bigger. Maybe it'll come out better. >.> That glimpse of canon!girl kind of screwed with Shimo's story, but oh well. XD

    Thanks! :3 Joan needs work too. Let's hope she comes out nicely; I wouldn't want to insult the "carbon copy."

  3. I am liking Joan's design :) And dude, finish that Kyubey pic. I want him to see him lay Soul Eggs 8D

    We can be paranoid together. Not more than once that I've seen movies and series do the same thing I've been planning for years...

  4. Oh man, you really make me want to do it now, too! XD

    Actually, there are sites that can help you register. It's pretty straightforward, not much different from registering for any English site. You could probably guess half the answers. XD (Though knowledge of the phonetic writing systems help.)

  5. Doooooooooo it.

    I gots it! I just need to watch that video. I think it's mostly canon fanart. They shun our OCs! D: *le weep*
    Putting the Japanese in the translator was kind of funny. The wording was a bit off. XD

  6. *sigh* Puts it on To-Do list. It might be a really cracky black and white doodle, though. xD

    Yeah, especially when it translates names. XDDD
