Thursday, November 29, 2012

I Got a JORB

Well, it's just seasonal, but hey, it pays, so...

Finished my third day today. It's physically hard at times, but that's my fault for not being in the best shape. (Having leg muscles lock up after sitting down is a BITCH) 8D Still a job though. (And I have to go in tomorrow too. Noooooes!) It'll end at the end of next month, and has no benefits. D: So I'm still looking at other jobs. XD Hopefully, I will get one at a school.

And that's why I haven't answered anything. Derrot, I'll give you my address on the weekend, and hopefully answer all those e-mails. <3 I am too tired now. *looks for pillow*

Maybe I can buy people gifts after this. :3 Lots! And commish people too.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations~!!

    You'll get used to the physical work after awhile and come out the stronger (and healthier!) for it! ^^ And with this on your resume, more places will take a chance with you! I hope it gets you the school job! *hugs*


    You're so incredibly sweet, you know? ;_; *glomp*
