Monday, September 19, 2011

Junky Junk Junk

First of all, here is my favorite part from this Saturday's "The God Complex."

Gotta love the floppy dummy hand when it hits the cupboard.

Anyway,  here are some Figgy Drawing things:
Quick inks; hope we do these again. They were fun. :3

Body study. (LULZ, what are hands?)
That pastel nude. Didn't finish it, but the professor said the model might do the same pose so that I can finish it today. >.>

For 3D design:
I'm trying to build a Buddhist temple (and I use that term lightly), but making it more organic. It'll be on a 30x20 board of foamcore, which will be made to look like a lake with walkways on said lake (and those will look "leafy"). So it'll be kind of like a real lotus you find on the surface of water. I have the clay to build statues(but if I run out of time, I'll just temporarily plop my store-bought sculptures on it instead). And I'll also mold flowers out of clay and paint them (or just mold them and paint them at a later date). Greenery will be spread throughout to make the "wood" (I painted cardboard for that effect. Does it look okay?) more natural, like a garden.
Why do I always go for complex stuff? I don't have enough time for it, but I have heard that this certain professor allows students to add to and/or change projects if need be, as long as we show that we've made an effort.
The sketch(and I doubt the real thing will look this elegant):

The stuff:

Recognize that rug?

And here's a quick sketch (not done since I drew this from memory) of a chapter cover for the PMMM/DW crossover. I need to pick a name and stop calling it "The PMMM/DW CROSSOVER." Feel free to throw out ideas. :P
I'll do 11/Homura too.
The writing in the corner says: "Don't lose your cool!" But "cool" is crossed out with the word "head" under it. (yes, I'm poking fun at poor Mami. Sorry, Mami!)
The plushies sketch isn't done. Sorry, Derrot. ): (It's not like it's a masterpiece anyway. XD)
Speaking of whom, go to her blog and look at the lovely sketches from her WIP comic (and I WILL comment on them, Der. At some point. ._.;)


  1. Aww, Rory abuse is so fun. XD That episode cracked me up at the end when I realised the monster was a Nimon (I had watched Nash's review of The Horns of Nimon not too long ago. XDD)

    Those figure quickies look good! Especially the far right one. And don't be afraid to draw hands in something you're looking off of! (For the body study, you looked at a diagram, right? XD) As for the pastel nude, the skin tones and shadows are wonderful. I really hope the professor gives you a chance to finish it.

    It's hard to tell how your 3D project will turn out, but it has a the potential to be really beautiful. The cardboard doesn't look bad, except for the bits on the sides. They should probably be sanded. What sort of clay are you going to use? Start as soon as possible, spending a couple hours a day to make this project work! ^^

    Hmm... Magical Time Lord Homura feat. The Master? 8D Your drawing of 10 and Mami shows your improvement in anatomy, but relative to each other, The Doctor is quite tall. XD (Then again, she is a teenage girl. Reminds me of the old X-Men comics, where Jubilee would be half the size of some of the adults. XD)

    Aww, thanks for the plug!! *glomps* And take your time. You already have so much to worry about already with your school (and I worry about you because of what happened last Fall) so please don't add unnecessarily to that stress.

  2. It was a much better-looking Nimon. At least this one didn't waddle like a duck. XD (I love Nash. Listen to his WTFIWWY series too. Lots of dumb stuff from Florida, but always funny)
    Sadly, no more Rory = no more Rory abuse. ): I'm going to miss the awkward "flirting" between him and the Doc. (Remember the glasses from TGWW? So cute! "Hello, Handsome." XD)
    Random note: I want Rita back. >.>

    The hands repel me though! D: *pokes them* Yeah, it's a diagram, but I'm still chickenshit. 8D
    I'll probably finish the nude on my own; I don't want to transport it too often because I'm paranoid about it getting smeared.
    Oh, and that far-right ink nude? I lost it. *snerk* No idea where it went. DAMN

    Sanding is on my list for when I redo the shrine. That or paste foam core along the edges to seal them. That'll be fun. ._.; The clay? I can't remember the name off the top of my head. >.> <.< I probably should play with it everyday if I want to make enough flowers and vines, not to mention statues. 8D

    Bah, don't call Homura a Time Lord, or she might regenerate. (Into her Witch form, HOSHIT!) D: That could have possibilities though. *chinscratch*
    Well, he IS tall. XD Tennant is a tall dude (but I think even Cumberbatch is an inch higher). So compared to little Mami (minus her bust size), he's a giant. Good thing she has those guns to make up for her size (and I mean real guns, not her boobage. :P)
    And thank you. :3
    I have quickies done of Hom and 11, and Hom and Master (at least his head) for chapter covers. Don't want to post them yet though. XD

    Last Fall...can't believe it's been almost a year. o.O *runs to see your sketches now*

  3. I'll be listening to more of Nash as I finish watching the rest of the Classic Who Reviews. ^^ I'm watching Invasion of the Dinosaurs right now, and wow, it's hard to imagine that Star Wars was filmed two years later. Those dinosaurs were awful. XDDDDD

    I want Rita back, too. She had a strong personality and she was smart, two qualities that don't strike enough of a balance for me in the companions. :\ And we'll probably see plenty of Rory cameos. XD

    Maybe your ink nude walked away and is now flashing random citizens? >_>

    Make a daily clay regimen... succeeeed. 8D Be careful with the foam core, though. It's difficult to cut, so just sanding the cardboard might save time and look nicer. >_<

    Oh noes! D: But that would be an interesting finale for the end for the Doctor to save the day again. XD

    I just googled Cumberbatch and was all "Oh, it's Sherlock!" and then I found out he's playing the dragon in the Hobbit. And none other than Watson is playing Bilbo. That's going to be interesting. XDD

