Saturday, January 28, 2012

War of the Worlds Rock Opera

I'll post other WIPs later, but I decided to go ahead and make this list (since it might spark Derrot's interest). It's corny in places, but the music is awesome. :3


  1. *claps* That was good background music, just as I thought! I really liked the recurrence of the main theme and the very retro sound! Thanks for sharing~! <3

    But what the heck? I don't remember that stuff in the book?! That was great when the evangelical guy got slapped. XDD

  2. Some say it's close to the book, others say not. I just like it for what it is.

    Glad you like! It was pretty cool to listen to the whole thing after many years. :3 Did you have earphones in or did everyone hear the "Ulla"?
    My fave has to be "The Artilleryman..." due to that awesome guitar solo. (Was it a guitar? Could've been something else.)

    1. I had headphones on. My room doesn't have a door, so I have to respect the space of everyone else. :)

      My favorite is still that first song, "Eve of War." It's hard to let go of first impressions unless something else totally blows it away. :O
