Sunday, January 15, 2012


I just finished watching the last ep of Sherlock.

Excuse me while I go into a corner and cry for a bit.




  1. But now think of all the free time you have to do art and watch other stuff now! 8D

    Bah, I know how you feel. I'm only half-way into Idolm@ster and I'm already sad that it has ended. Possibly with no hope for a second season. So I will cherish the next 15 episodes. ;_;

  2. It just ended on a very sad (yet kind of hopeful) note. Damn thing made me cry. :( Hopefully we don't have to wait as long for the next series. At least I have Mad Dogs to look forward to this week. <3 (Yet there are only four eps, dammit!)

    And I draw stuff as I watch shows. 8D I'm just slow while doing so.

    *pats* When Idolm@ster ends, come get some cookies to help ease the pain. >.> XD

    1. Oh no! I kind of avoid shows like that because I don't like to cry. XD So hopefully when I do get around to watching it, it won't get past my emotional barrier! :O

      I can't draw and watch stuff at the same time. I have to focus 100% on the stuff I want to watch. I can listen to music and even podcasts while drawing, but because both movies/shows and art involve the focus of my eyes, I can't jump between the two without feeling like I'm missing something or working frustratingly slow.

      O-okay.... *sniff* ;_;

    2. (Your emotional barrier?)It'll all depend on your liking of the main duo. Some people can't stand Cumberbatch's Sherlock. He is an ass, but that's his sociopathy, and he is trying to change somewhat. I find his dependence on a small group of people kind of sweet, but he's not the type of person who I would want to cuddle. >.> So, yeah, I got attached to the main relationship. Therefore: CRIES! D:

      Your system is better than mine then, considering how much can be missed or screwed up. 8D I listen to audio books more these days when drawing anyway and set aside time for watching stuff. (Do you hide yourself too so that people can't intrude?)

      *shakes cookie box* The show is still going on though, right? At least you have it to look forward to for 15 more weeks? :3 *keeps fingers crossed for second season* I know how that is. *wants second series of The Fades*

    3. As in, some things make tears start to form in my eyes, and some things don't, even though I think they are sad or frustrating. I don't want it to pass whatever threshold makes me cry, because a strange vinegar-like feeling comes with it. :(

      But if it's like what you hinted, that probably won't make me cry. It's not one of the things that press my emotional buttons. XD (Unless someone died? :O )

      I can't hide myself, as I have no door. u_u But there are times when everyone is asleep or doing something else that I have time to myself. Otherwise a random goofy attack can occur at any time! My family jokes about how they play with my stuffed animals more than me. XD

      It's not still going on, it just ended recently, but I'm fifteen (now twelve!) episodes behind. I started watching their music videos on YouTube from the video game and got hooked all over again. It's funny and cute and has catchy music. *crosses fingers for second season, too* Even if it is an alternate universe spin-off!

      I hope The Fades gets a second season, too! I haven't seen it, but from Wiki, it looks interesting. And there's a good chance it will get more, considering it's a premise that can be built on considering there were only six episodes (The Idolm@ster is 25 episodes and it looks like they've covered most of the issues of being an idol... I don't know where they would go with a second season unless they added more girls or did even more character development.)

    4. (I seem to have typed in the wrong box. Re-do!)

      A strange vinegar feeling. I don't think I've ever heard of weeping being described that way. Interesting.
      I would probe further, but won't since crying can be a bit personal. >.>

      I just meant that if you get attached to the characters and invested in the relationships, then the episode from last night will be sad. But don't look it up! Don't ruin it for yourself. :P It has something to do with death, yeah. But that's all I'll say. (Just watched it again, so now I'm down. Masochistic, I am.)

      I wouldn't tolerate people touching my things. Throw balls at them. :P And punish the plushies for playing with others; that's being unfaithful to you!

      Oh. Well, then. I'm sorry. XD Just watch one a day to keep it going for awhile? Or start over? :3 *laments that own shows have ended, until Thursday anyway* Do you follow their news feeds (Twitter or any other blogs) for updates? Become a creepy stalker!

      It doesn't look too good for The Fades. From my (very limited) experience, UK shows know ahead of time if more series are ordered (like by the 2nd or 3rd episode). If there's no news yet...*shrug* It would suck if the story ended on a cliffhanger. (At least there's Being Human to look forward to, but ALL THE CRIES will come because of that, no doubt. *pets George*)

      Hmmm. Maybe the Idolm@ster story is resolved in a nice way so that there's no need for more? That could be nice. But an AU would also be nice. I have it on my list, which is probably short compared to yours (sorry for bombarding you with so many shows. But the UK is a freakin' goldmine!).

    5. Yeah, when I cry, the muscles in my face tense up as though I smelled or drank a spoon of vinegar. And so then my mind remembers vinegar and applies it to that, so I actually smell and taste vinegar briefly. It's hard to describe. o__o

      If you were going to ask what makes me cry, it's the concept of loss. Death especially. The ending of the movie A.I. and the part of Casper where Kat's father dies briefly and forgets her are standout examples.

      It's only my parents and brother that touch my animals. If it was a certain other person, I'd scream. No punishment for the plushies! My screaming would be punishment enough. XD

      I don't need to start over. I'm on #13 now, and since I only get online three days a week, it's been slow catching up. XD It only started this summer, so I can remember the episodes pretty well. ^^ (I don't know if they have a Twitter, but it would probably be all in Japanese if they did. But Anime News Network keeps pretty good tabs on breaking news if a new season does get green-lit. :) )

      Unless they just haven't announced they have a new season? Or maybe if DVD sales do well they'll make more? That sucks if it really is only six episodes, but maybe something happened during production. D:

      I'm not sure how it ends (from the thumbnail of the episode, I'm guessing they become a popular group and get to sing in a huge concert) but there really is only so much you can do with the "behind the scenes" of idols without losing the plot and being only character-driven jokes with normal slice-of-life stories. It's probably best not over-saturate it, like pinning twenty tails on one donkey.

      And yay, list! Yeah, mine is huge. Or at least, unreasonable considering the amount of time I actually spend watching stuff. XD I will try to check out the first episode or two of the stuff you've recommended (or clips, if YouTube is my only source) to see what floats my boat, though. :)

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