Saturday, March 3, 2012

Georgia O'Keeffe Painted Many "Big Cats"

LOLWUT? :B One of these indirectly relates to the title (for a stupid reason, but whatever). Can you guess which one? Hint: Teeth. In an odd place.

Figgy paintings. Prof loved the first two. I don't. ._.; I think she likes them because they're more weird/abstract/"feeling." Or something like that.  *sigh* I'm taking this class because I have to to get better at realistic figures, not to paint like an ARTEEST. "Slopping" paint around isn't going to help with that, sorry. Just GAH. I have to do my own studying since class can't fulfill that goal (unless you already are good at it anyway, and some are).
I like the third and forth since I tried to go for the more "traditional" look. But still, meh.

Next up are the seven goddess I've worked on for the past couple of weeks (not done yet). I'm not  adding descriptions at the moment since I'm worn out and a bit disappointed that I wasn't able to meet John Cameron Mitchell tonight (another chance tomorrow night at least). Soooooo sleepy. But I'm quickly posting these since I haven't posted anything in a week (how shameful?).  Sorry for any confusing stuff in the pics. 8D
Note: I'm starting to really love ink.






The Morrigan



  1. My favorite is the third painting! The lights and darks really make the figure's shape stand out. The others get a little muddy, especially in the faces. D:

    Aww, I hope you were able to take the second chance to meet the director of Hedwig. Totally understand how busy-ness and sleepiness can get in the way. ;_; And being poor. XD

    Right now I think I like Oya the best from this batch of goddesses... so much detail and are those bugs in the foreground? But Nepththys is a close second... those wings are coming along lovely. Same with Meng-po, I like her classic looking fabric. The Morrigan looks interesting (she's a bird?) but I will reserve judgement until it's finished and I can see her better.

    And that last one is scary! XD Hine-nui-te-po's figure is nice, and she seems to have a very helpful... friend... but I wonder what the people in class will say! 8D Most art students are pretty laid back, but are there any extreme prudes in your class? (Like that one girl in our English class several years back? XDD)

    1. I know all about "muddy." She got onto me about that, so I'm going for more "colorful" shades now. Or something like that. >.> I think I can suffer through two more months. And what's with the D: face? Are they that horrifying? XD

      I did speak to Mister Mitchell for a couple of minutes the next night. :D That made me happy!
      (Damn that poor-ness; always getting in the way!...If you sound that out, it becomes "porn-ness.")

      Oya was Louise's fave too. *tries not to mess it up*
      Er, do you meant the stuff on the bottom? Those are grave markers. Everything is just getting warped by her windy powers. 8D
      I'll post updates later and hopefully that'll make things clearer.

      And there's a story behind the last one. People were pretty interested in it. Some were a bit creeped out by it, but no one's really "prudish." Or they haven't said anything yet. >.>
      You remember a prudish girl from years back? *wracks brain* Was she the one offended by the "porn" we read?

    2. Not horrifying. I just felt like the bringer of bad news. XD

      Yay! And "poor-ness" is probably borderline exotic erotica for the filthy rich. 8D

      Ah! I read the "cross" as a "cactus." I thought I was seeing plants and insects, but grave markers makes more sense.

      That's good. And yeah, it was that girl that just walked out of class and I don't think our professor was too pleased about it. It was pretty rude. >_> But I guess it was better that she took to heart "no one makes you listen to stuff you don't like, you can just ignore it" instead of going on an evangelical debate with the class and wasting our time.
