Tuesday, March 20, 2012

More WIPs >.>

Nothing new. I'm still debating what to do for my next series, but I'm also trying to finish these goddesses for my Portfolio presentation. That's on April 20th. -_-; EEEEEEEEGH. Keep me on my toes, please, peeps?
What should I do on my breaks from these series? Comics, fanart, my OCs, your OCs? :P


Figgy from right before Spring break-

WIPs. I've been working on the others too, but these three are the most "worked-on."

Soundtrack for today

Kate Bush's Hounds of Love (<3 her)

Some are official music videos; others are picture vids, but still lovely
Jig of Life (fave song)

Pink Floyd's Division Bell

Many memories associated with this one. Along with War of the Worlds, it was the most-played cassette tape on long road trips. (Remember cassettes? XD)

And one of my newer discoveries:
Janelle Monae
She's influenced by the older soul, pop, and funk music heard in earlier decades, combining it with hip hop, has deeper meanings in her songs, and seems to be a bit of a sci-fi geek (with her choice of a Metropolis-based theme album, kind of.) And she's adorbs. <3
One of my fave songs:

(Check out the rest of The Chase Suite EP)

Neat video:

Most recent album, The Archandroid

The songs seem to be out of order, but I don't think it'll hurt things much.


  1. Janelle Monaé is pretty sweet. My fave song from her has to be "Cold War" <3 She's also apparently an anime fan? She mentioned anime once, so I'm assuming that :P

    I haff recommendations! I've yet to see the series, but Umineko no Naku Koro ni's songs are pretty sweet too. Here's one I've had on repeat lately: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnWroEJYx3w Ironically, my mother is the one who found these for me :P I quote "Hey, sounds like those kinds of songs/noise you hear constantly!" She knows I'm a Nightwish fan...XD Also, their new album, have you heard it yet?

    And UGH ♥ to those new WIPS. And don't die on me D: YOU CAN MAKE THE DEADLINE. (´Д`)ノ

    1. I think I'm in love with Janelle. Not literally, but I've listened to The Chase and Archandroid quite a few times now. Probably should stop since I know how my brain will eventually scream "enough." >.>
      Too bad she doesn't get much air play, if any. We already know that people seem to be open to "pop" combined with older music, a la Adele and that "Pumped Up Kicks" song. I think she'd be a hit, but Top 40 radio has too many politics and doesn't seem to like suggestions from the outside. ._.;
      I haven't seen/read the interview where she mentioned anime. *goes to look*

      Umineko is on my list to watch. It was the clothing, so pretty. O,O That opening is pretty epic. (And your mom calls it "noise?" D:)
      I do have Nightwish's album, but haven't heard it yet. Lots of stuff is on backlog. *shame* Have you heard Epica's new one? It's getting mixed reviews.

      I started new WIPs today. I'm cutting it close. >.> So much...

    2. Well, I call her 70s pretty boy songs stuff "noise", so we're (playfully teasingly) even 8D

      I didn't know Epica released a new one O: I barely just started giving the "Design Your Universe" album these days (verdict so far: I'm only liking two songs out of 5 I've listened to...) Oh! I was able to check out Ma-Yan a couple of weeks ago --I keep uh, forgetting to tell you >_>;; -- ehhh, felt like a jumble of a mess. The lyrics sounded interesting but some parts of thsoe + some of the rhythms just made my head have a headache >.<;;

  2. During your breaks (which are probably over for now), I think you should work on your OCs! I feel like I don't see them enough. ;_; But you have three more weeks to get ready for portfolio, so keep focused on that! Let the pressure keep you on the path. And those WIPs, particularly the Izanami and the Saint look really balanced, almost complete. The background in the Saint's illustration is pure amazing, so rich with detail. This whole series is looking great... keep it up!

    The shapes are looking good on that figure! The face needs more work, but I know how hard it is in paint. Your penciled and inked faces look all right, so it's probably just a paint issue.

    None of the music during this round really grabbed me this time. It's not that it was bad, but that I didn't find anything catchy to make me want to immediately listen to over again or move to while listening. (I was working on art, and since these were pretty mellow, perhaps I wasn't in the proper frame of mind for listening to these songs?)

    I liked the music video to The Big Sky and found Running Up That Hill somewhat catchy, though. So Kate Bush got the biggest points from me. The traditional sounding music sounded cool, too.

    The Pink Floyd album had some cool guitar stuff going on, nice to listen to in the background, but no earworms or dance-able stuff for me. (And yes, I remember cassettes! When I was in elementary school, I would get mix tapes made of the songs I wanted to listen to from the family CD library and my parents would recommend other songs to add to the mixes also. The only "modern" music they had to worry about buying for me at the time was Hansen and Spice Girls. Otherwise, they had a 10-year-old child that was perfectly content with their music. I was a special child. XD)

    I agree Janelle looks adorable! Her Tightrope song was the catchiest for me, and she was super cute! Many Moons had catchy bits, and the beats were cool. The sideways looks she gave in that video were kind of creepy, though. But the other tracks on the album and EP didn't leave a lasting impression on me. Good ambiance, but I would have to actively decide to listen to those songs again. I wouldn't get a compulsive desire to listen to them. Oh well, not all songs can be favorites. D: But keep sharing! <3

    (Oh yeah, but for some reason, when I was trying to recall Janelle's songs to give you my opinion, the song "American Boy" by another artist got stuck in my head. o___o )

    1. Yeah, those "breaks" are non-existent at the moment. 8D
      But when all this is over, OCs it is then. Any OC(s) in particular?
      The saint is done, and I'm finishing up Izanami now. Hopefully, the others won't take too long.

      I dunno how to paint faces. XD And I don't get time to try during class. She doesn't seem to like us picking at them unless we already know what we're doing. (remember those two with the "faded-out" faces on the blue backgrounds? She really liked those. ._.; Ick, to me. ) It's something that I'll have to learn on my own.

      But at least you listened all the way through? You gave them the old college try. My fave music isn't "catchy" anyway, but you know that. :P I like deeper lyrics and progressive, elaborate soundscapes over poppy stuff, unless I'm in the mood for said pop. These might be better to hear when relaxing, since they don't pump you up for arting.

      Kate Bush is one of my main loves, second to Happy Rhodes. But I grew up with her, so I was probably "brainwashed." XD

      Ah, good ol' cassettes. I had to wait for my fave songs to come on the radio so that I could record them. Long waiting game that was. >.> (Same for VHS) Then there was Napster. And now there are torrents, filestube, etc. <3
      (Spice Girls had some stuff that I liked, but it got old quick. XD Hanson just annoyed me.)

      Janelle creepy? I'll have to watch that again. I was mesmerized by the shiny lights, I guess. Too bad you didn't enjoy her too much. I thought the background music would be up your alley since it was influenced by them "oldies." Ah well. *is actually listening to her now* >.>

      Who did "American Boy?" XD That's kind of bad when another artist pops up in mind.

    2. Well, there are the magical drug girls, like Pristiq. 8D And the Puella Magi. And the Sailors that I haven't been properly introduced to. Cherry. Any OC's you feel like drawing, because any that you want to draw will turn out best.

      Have you started on the next set of goddesses yet? As long as you pace yourself, I think you can get done in time for Portfolio! :)

      It's funny, huh, how much we have to learn on our own? XD At least you'll have a use for your leftover paints. ^^

      I listened to everything. (It was hard tracking down all of The Chase on Youtube, though, because the playlists usually only had a few of the songs.) I hardly pay attention to the lyrics unless I've heard the song a million times and need to explore another faucet of the sound or if I want to use it as a benchmark for remembering a melody. I like foreign music a lot because the lyrics don't get in the way. We're like opposites in this sense. o___o

      I hardly ever get on the computer to relax. ;_; Only if I watch videos to get away from something I've been working on for awhile.

      I remember recording off the radio when I was little. But I got bored with that and tried to make my own "show" instead with my recorder.

      I liked Hanson briefly in elementary school when my mom gave me a Tiger Beat magazine. I began posting the pin-ups all over my room (in an organized manner) and Hanson intrigued me the most since they had a member close to my age and they said they were influenced by oldies. (To 10-year-old me, The Backstreet Boys and N-Sync looked like a bunch of scary old men. And Aaron Carter looked like a little girl.) But after a year, I decided those posters and the Hanson music wasn't doing anything for me, and it was annoying talking to the girls obsessed with them anyway (because of all the hormone-induced comments.) And then I got into Star Wars and was more true to myself.

      ... but I LOVED Spice Girls. I kept their pin-ups on the back of my closet door because I thought my family would think I was weird for keeping pictures of girls on my walls. They were my guilty pleasure and the first fanfiction I ever remember reading was a Star Wars and Spice Girls cross-over fiction. <33 Sporty Spice was Han Solo.

      Just the shifting robotic eyes. I think they were meant to be creepy. XD I wasn't able to get into the melodies, I guess? I'm trying to put my finger on exactly why I wasn't completely wild for her music. I really did like her Tightrope song, it's now coming up in my head occasionally. And I see that the We Are Young video that I liked the sound of featured her. Maybe I just need to get used to her or hear more of her material?

      Estelle. ^^ Nah, for me, I like it when other artists remind me of songs that I enjoy. Like a new take on a style. They just have to stick with me, though, otherwise they'll seem generic.
