Saturday, April 14, 2012

Quicky Update 4-17-12

(19) goddesses completed
(All 19) uploaded to dA
(2) in-process
(2) class days before presentation day
(1) week, actually less, till presentation ):
(0) tolerance for this cold D:


  1. Is it actually chilly down there? *gives blanket* D:

    1. Eh? No, I have a cold. XD The hurting nostrils, sneezing and wheezing kind. With ugly coughing and sweats. D:


  2. Oh, you changed this! (I'm sorry I went to bed without commenting last weekend. ;_; )

    Hang in there! I know you can complete everything before the presentation, you'll just have to go into Ultimate Mode! And I hope you get better from your cold... now is a horrible time to catch one. Maybe it's all the work? But there is less than two days now, so get through them so you can refresh and rest this weekend! ^^ *hugs*

    1. I cursed you for not saying anything last weekend! BAH! :P /kidding
      No need to be sorry.

      I'm over the cold, finished #20, and uploaded it to dA. Now it's time to SLEEP.

    2. I just don't want to let you down. ;_; *hug*
