Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bitch Stole My Look!

Since I'm done with the monstrosity the horse painting, I can start sketching again. But I'll paint again at some point. I just need to get my hands stretched out and working once more. >.>

Crappy stuff first. Or at least, "crappiest." 8D

Puellae Magi drawn at the top of my notes. Don't bother trying to read. The teacher talks so fast, so I had to scribble. What are they doing? Fighting (not with each other). Yup yup. It'll be transferred to bigger paper.

Weird creature idea. It has a bunch of ears on its horns. o.O The nerves and anatomy would be interesting to see.

Doodle of dark-skinned person. It's already smearing, but that's how pencils go. I like how the arms came out. :3

Me being haunted by geese. My campus is home to a flock of them, or several flocks. They'll honk and just STARE at you. O_O Some will attack people too. I had a whole group staring at me today. Fun fun.
 Note: "Swoop" refers to our mascot, the Osprey. We even have a little "move" to go with the word. D:

Hedwig and Gaga. Yeah, I like Gaga but I made her so bad and dumb here. 8D *laziness* I was more focused on Hedwig.

Translation of my crappy writing:
G: Hey, Hedy. We should totally team up for a show!

H: Hmm...
*thinking* Did this bitch raid my closet? The hell? Is that my wig?
Mmm... No, thank you.
*thinking again* Can't have my songs stolen. Again.

G: C'mon. The two of us and my friend can be beacons of hope for freaks everywhere!
G: Say hey to Princess Beatrice!


Yay? >.> References- Gaga has been accused of using similar songs/rhythms, so Hedy doesn't want to be around her. Hedy's former boyfriend, Tommy Gnosis, stole her work (it was collaborative, I should say) and became famous off it, so she trails him as he tours the road. Teaming-up isn't appealing to her.

The wig thing. Hedy has LOTS of wigs. So does Gaga, and she seems to be on the lookout for more.

Hedy's wigs:
I think Gaga would cream herself if she saw all of those.

Watch full Hedwig movie on Youtube here. (Foreign subtitles)

And then there's Beatrice. If you watched any of the royal wedding coverage, you will remember her as a wearer of one of those weird hats. What got to me wasn't the hat, but her eyes. Her EYES. O_O They freak me out. That's horrible to say, but they're just so big or somethin.'

I'll do dA messages tomorrow; 'tis quite late now.

Daily Cuteness:

No soundtrack for today except for Ayreon's "The Human Equation" album. How I drew silly stuff while listening to something dark I dunno.
Sample Track

Nighty night!


  1. Oh, that kibble corgi is so cuteeee -- CORGI BUTT! Fluffy and short legs <3

    And Beatrice is just plain ugly, even without the hat. Her sister is much prettier :)

    That creature idea looks interesting. And pff/LOL @ the geese pic XD Hahahaha!

    We have two swans over here, and a whole bunch of ducks since recently for some reason @_@ http://photostream.iastate.edu/photo/view/id/354/sort/most-viewed

  2. Corgis are AWESOME. *wants one* I love watching them run from behind. Their butts go up and down, up and down.
    /weirdness >.>

    Aaaaw, that's just mean. 8D *snerk* I don't know if it's the makeup, but yeah...creepy eyes.

    More geese attacks today too. :P And crapping everywhere. Ack!

    Do your swans at least keep to themselves on the water? XD *shoos that goose away* Go away, fiend!

    The swans don't seem to like it either.

  3. Toy dogs butts are cute /weirdness >_> Pffft. xD

    Yeah, they mostly keep to themselves, though people say they've been attacked by them. I've never seen an attack nor have I had a problem, but you never know *shrugs* Though they get snippy with the ducks if the ducks decide to be prissy and get in their way XD This happened once!

    By any chance do you smell like food? Maybe the geese just LIKE you 8D

  4. I like the action gestures on that first doodle... definitely looking forward to where it's going! :D And I agree those arms turned out lovely (and very realistic, you've learned a lot!) <3

    It would be kind of interesting to see the nerves in the ear creature, too... maybe the skin can be see-through to see them? 8D

    *bookmarks link* I'll give it try because Youtube isn't mean to me! :D

    I like how you drew Beatrice's teeth in the Hedwig/Gaga page. o___o Combined with the derpiness of the original Beatrice, she's very frightening. XDDDD (It's the eye makeup that makes her eyes look so big. So much black around the white of the eye tricks us into thinking she has large eyes (so if you know anyone self-conscious about their small eyes, recommend the undead Tim Burton look. XD)

    Also, Gaga's bikini reminds me of an American version of Lum's outfit from Urusei Yatsura (fun anime/manga by the creator of Ranma 1/2.)

    Eee, those geese are so cute! I especially like them hiding in the bushes and trashcan. XD Maybe because I'm so fond of birds, but I appreciated it when the geese stared at me. And I would greet them while other students looked at me like I was nuts. 8D (Ozzie and Harriet should cameo with the geese! XD)

    That Corgi is hilarious! He's like one of those undulating plastic snakes, just chubby and cute-like. XDD

    Like the guitars in the Ayreon's song... the vocals were interesting also. ^^
